Sunday, August 23, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Essay Example for Free
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Essay Sam Hickory February 17, 2010 Hum/Eng.9 The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time In the novel, the voice of Christopher is significant in such a case that it was told from an alternate point of view it is hard to comprehend what goes on in Christopher’s mind and what the qualities of an individual with mental imbalance are. In the event that this story was told from the point of view of an alternate character for instance, Christopher’s father, the story would primarily be about how his significant other left him, how its difficult to deal with a kid with mental imbalance and would exclude the demise of Wellington. On the off chance that he remembered the entirety of this for his perspective in the story then it would be less engaging and intriguing to peruse. At that point Mark Haddon’s motivation behind demonstrating the world what it resembles to be mentally unbalanced would not be cultivated. As a matter of first importance, Christopher’s voice is significant provided that it was told from an alternate point of view it is diverse to comprehend what Christopher is thinking and what the qualities of an individual with mental imbalance are. He recounts to his story as far as he can tell. He additionally incorporates numerous subtleties and depictions of the individuals around him. For instance, in the start of the story he specifies a graphic picture of Siobhan, he composes, â€Å"Siobhan has long fair hair and wears glasses which are made of green plastic†(5). Christopher doesn't comprehend allegorical language since he takes everything strict. In the start of the story, Christopher makes reference to a significant insight concerning his novel, he writes,†this won't be an amusing book. I can't make wisecracks since I don't comprehend them†(8). All through the story, Christopher makes reference to little insights regarding himself like how he doesn’t like being contacted, being in enormous groups, and doesn't care for outsiders and will continue posing a similar inquiry again and again until his inquiry is Alexus Martinez February 17, 2010 Hum/Eng.9 replied. As should be obvious, these little subtleties help decipher what the qualities are to an individual with chemical imbalance. Christopher needs request and steadiness as he manages chemical imbalance since it makes his life cheerful and safe. Anything that imperils this harms his psychological state, yet in addition brings him physical agony. Second, if this story was told from Christopher’s father point of view, the story would fundamentally be about how his better half left him, how it is difficult to deal with a kid with chemical imbalance and all through the entirety of this he would not make reference to the demise of Mrs. Shear’s hound, Wellington. Christopher’s father, Ed Boone, would begin discussing the past with his better half and how she left him. For instance, in the center of the book, he sees that Christopher read the letters from his mom, he says, â€Å"I did it to your benefit, Christopher. Truly I did. I never intended to lie. I just thought†¦I just idea it would be better in the event that you didn't know†¦that†¦that†¦I didn't mean to†¦I was demonstrating when you were older†(114). This shows Christopher’s father told his child lies since where it counts within him he was harmed still and attempted to disregard the agony in him by not referencing her name. All through the story, Christopher’s father has tolerance for his child every so often. He is a decent dad and despite the fact that he here and there loses his temper, he despite everything cherishes Christopher. The hardest thing for Christopher’s father is advising Christopher to avoid people groups business. He discloses to him this since Christopher needs to discover who murdered Wellington which disturbs his dad. At whatever point Christopher makes reference to Mr. Shear’s name, it upsets him in light of the fact that Christopher’s father’s spouse took part in an extramarital entanglements with Mr. Shears. For instance, in the story, Christopher makes reference to about Mr. Shears being the prime suspect and his Alexus Martinez February 17, 2010 Hum/Eng.9 father yells saying, â€Å"I won't have that man’s name referenced in my house†(49). He says this in light of the fact that each time he hears Mr. Shears name in his home, it brings him torment yet in addition gets him upset. All through the story, Christopher makes reference to a ton about himself. The things he prefers and what he loathes. He additionally specifies about Siobhan and how she encourages him through his life. In the event that this story were told from the point of view of Christopher’s father it would not be fascinating or engaging like the manner in which Christopher put it. His dad would exclude any math pictures and conditions that Christopher included or the manner in which he generally discussed his fantasies and the manner in which he considered individuals. Christopher’s father would exclude any of this or may exclude his feelings on things. On the off chance that none of this was remembered for the story whenever told from the father’s point of view, it would make the book dull and exhausting. Taking everything into account, the Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon, the voice of Christopher is significant in light of the fact that he tells it from his perspective. On the off chance that it was told from Christopher’s father, Ed Boone’s perspective, it is distinctive to comprehend what Christopher is thinking and what the characteristics are to an individual with mental imbalance are. Christopher’s father would for the most part incorporate the past with his significant other and how it is to bring up a kid with chemical imbalance. He would exclude the demise of Wellington. On the off chance that the novel did exclude any of this, the book would be less engaging and fascinating. At that point Mark Haddon’s motivation behind demonstrating the world what it resembles to be mentally unbalanced would not be cultivated. The book would not be that acceptable of a book on the off chance that it was told through an alternate point of view. Alexus Martinez February 17, 2010 Hum/Eng.9 Works Cited 1. Haddon, Mark. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time. New York: A Division of Random House, Inc, 2003.
Tuesday, July 14, 2020
Veterinarian Resume Examples, Template, and Resume Tips
Veterinarian Resume Examples, Template, and Resume Tips Have you ever done one of those career personality tests? And if you have, did you get that your perfect career would be as a veterinarian?If so, then you came to the right place!If caring about injured or sick animals is what you would like to do in your life, then achieving this goal and getting your dream veterinarian job is probably what you should do.However, you are probably not the only one who is thinking about it, so you can definitely expect fierce competition, especially these days, where the business environment is very dynamic.Therefore, you will need some way to be different than your competitors, to stand out of the crowd and intrigue potential employers.The best way to do that is to have a good resume.However, that is easier said than done, since making a perfect resume requires a bit of time and knowledge.But, you don’t have to worry because we are here to help you with that. We are going to present to you some examples of good veterinarian resumes.After that, we w ill focus on explaining each individual section of the resume and teach you what kind of information to put there and what should be left out.Basically, every good veterinarian resume should answer some questions:What is makes you different than other job applicants?How to categorize and write every individual section of a veterinarian resume?What template would fit good with the veterinarian profession?How not to make veterinarian resume too long, nor too short?In this guide, we are going to answer all these questions in order to teach you how to write a perfect veterinarian resume.In the end, we will give you some tips and tricks to make your resume even better and several important things to consider during a veterinarian job interview.Now that we know everything that will be said, let’s begin by taking a closer look at those two veterinarian resume samples.Veterinarian Resume Example Right Clinical Veterinarian Resume Example Right Create your own resumeTHE BEST COMBINATION OF PERSONAL AND CONTACT INFORMATION TO PUT IN YOUR VETERINARIAN RESUMEHere you’ve seen two examples of how excellent veterinarian resume should look like.Now, let’s keep our promise and focus on explaining every important part of a resume and teach you how to write it step by step.You can think of a resume as a form of business letter, or more accurately, as your own business identification card.Therefore, the very first thing you need to write in there is some basic information about yourself, such as your name, professional title, your home address and several contact information, such as phone number and email address.Apart from that, nowadays it is common to share some of your social media profiles as well.So, without further due, let’s begin with listing the best combination of personal and contact information you should always put in your veterinarian resume.First Information to Write â€" Your NameEvery business letter or business identification card begins with the name of the person, so that is exactly what you should write in your resume first.Now, since you want to leave a good impression, you should try to make your resume as professional as possible.That means you should only write your full name and not use funny nicknames, unless for some specific professions, such as jobs in the gaming or movie industry, where you could use a nickname next to your real name, or a certain alias if you are on acting jobs.However, for most other jobs, it is not a good idea to use anything rather than your full name, so let’s see how would that look in a practical example.Michael Williams RightMike Williams WrongStating Professional TitleRight under your full name, you should also write your professional title, in order for people from the company to be able to see if you already have some experience or not.It would help them learn something about you, even before they s tart reading your resume, which is why you should always state your professional title, right underneath or next to your full name.If it happens that you are a fresh graduate from university or high school, then you might feel worried about not having any professional titles to share.However, you shouldn’t feel that way because you can always put your highest educational title, instead of job one.Adding Good-Looking Photo to Your Veterinarian ResumeIn most states, attaching a photo to any sort of file or resume is pretty common, so people usually decide to share their photos in their resumes.However, a lot of them make the same mistake, which is using random photos from their social media networks, such as Facebook or Instagram.Often, they use photos where they’re sitting in a restaurant or while being at a party. That is a huge mistake, however.What you want to do is use some photos where you look professional, since, after all, you are applying for a job, and not for a cosplay casting.Therefore, a good resume photo should have certain characteristics, so let’s take a look at this example and see what makes a good resume photo.Photo instructionsNatural smileOpened eyesClassy haircutNot too much makeupNeat or shaved beardProper-looking environmentClassy formal clothesStraight posture RightPhoto instructionsFake smile or grinningStaring or closed eyesMessy and bad-looking haircutToo much makeupA long and messy beardBusy and colorful surroundingsSport clothesLazy stature WrongAs you can see, there are quite a bit important things you need to think about when you are in the process of selecting the right photo.Therefore, the best thing you can do is dress up nicely, keep great stature, and take a photo as professional as possible.Sharing Your Phone NumberNow that you have presented yourself by sharing your name, professional title, and photo, it is time to provide some contact information, so recruiters could talk to you.One of the most important contact information you have to share is, of course, your phone number. Some recruiters like to talk directly to the people who apply for jobs they offer, instead of using emails.For some jobs, people even need to answer a phone call from recruiters in order to prove their interpersonal skills, for example, for jobs where you need to talk to a lot of people, like call center jobs.Also, emails can get buggy from time to time, so it is better to have an alternative way of communication, which is why you should always share your phone number in your veterinarian resume.Writing Your Home Address in a ResumeAs one of not so crucial information, your home address can sometimes be relevant, even if it is not needed to be put in a resume.For example, if you live far from the company’s offices, you might get a bit higher salary, so you could pay for transportation.Or, in most cases, companies themselves pay for transportation costs, as well as organizing their own transports when they can.Also, if the company, you’re applying for is a big, multinational corporation, it probably has multiple offices all over the country and the world.In that case, by providing your home address, they might decide to put you in the office that is close to your home, so you wouldn’t have to spend too much time in the traffic.Properly Adding E-Mail to Your Veterinarian ResumeApart from your phone number, the email address is one of the most important contact information you need to put in your resume.Almost all job applications are done through emails, so there is simply no way to evade sharing it in your veterinarian resume.However, it is not a good idea to share just any resume. What you should do instead, is making a new one, which you will only use for job applications and other business activities.As for the format, let’s take a look at this practical WrongAs you can see, when making a business email, it is not a good idea to use nicknames with random numbers because it would look very unprofessional.You should always make an email from your full name or use some shorter variations if your full name is too long.As for email providers, there isn’t any specific rule about which ones you have to use, but you should always think about using the most known ones, such as Google or Yahoo.Including Social Media Profiles in Your Veterinarian ResumeSocial Media is a big part of today’s every-day life, not just in the social aspect, but also in the field of business.A lot of companies tend to use social media marketing to attract new customers and clients that would use their products and services.Apart from that, there is a lot of personal information about a large number of people, so social media platforms can be very useful if you are a social person, who likes to meet new people from all around the world.Therefore, sharing social media profile links in resumes has become a pretty common practice in almost every country.However, a lot of people make the same mistake and simply copy-paste their profile link, without taking a look at their profiles first.Remember, you want to make your resume look as professional as possible, which cannot be done if you share messy profiles.What would your employees think if they see a photo where you are smoking weed with a bunch of your friends?Yes, some might not judge you, but most other recruiters would immediately dismiss you from the job application process.Therefore, before you share your social media profile links, make sure to edit your profiles, to make them look more professional.Apart from that, there is an issue of too long profile links as well, so before you just copy and paste it in your resume, you can edit the link a bit, like shown in this WrongSome parts of most social media profile links can be removed without damaging the address where the l ink will lead to, such as these numbers in the previous example, or even the ‘https://’ part in some cases.By removing these elements, your social media profile link will look prettier, thus making your resume look a bit more professional.Also, sharing your social media profiles is optional, of course. However, it is recommended to always share your LinkedIn profile, since it is a social media made for connecting with businesses and successful people.WRITING A PERFECT SUMMARY OF YOUR VETERINARIAN RESUMENow that you are done writing some of the most basic personal information about yourself, including several contact information, it is time to start building the rest of your resume.Resumes shouldn’t be too long. Depending on the amount of experience you have, you should fill 1 or 2 pages with content.However, those 2 pages can have a lot of useful information, so it can sometimes be a bit difficult to think about everything that is written there and not to lose focus.Therefore, you should try writing a couple of sentences about the most important things in your veterinarian resume.This summary section should include information about the length of your experience, the field you are experienced in, some personal skills you’ve picked along the way and used to perform better on your previous jobs, as well as some achievements.By reading this section, people from HR will easily see what kind of experience you have and whether you could be a good candidate for the job.Let’s take a look at how that looks in practice.SummaryA veterinarian with 6 years of experience in treating injured and sick animals. Has advanced medical knowledge of animal anatomy and potential illnesses that might attack them. Capable of performing sterilization surgeries, daily medical examinations and active disease control of sheltered animals. RightSummaryA veterinarian with 6 years of experience in treating injured and sick animals. WrongAs you can see, we listed two types of summ aries. One is wrong and we will explain why and what makes the other one better.The short summary might seem fine to you since it does state the applicant’s previous experience, so what is wrong with it?If you take this summary and then have like at least 50 other resumes with the same or similar summary, then you will come to the conclusion that they probably wanted to write something, but that something is not nearly descriptive enough.So, we as recruiters would react “Ok, you have 6 years of experience as a veterinarian. So what? What kind of jobs have you done, what were your specific duties and some achievements?â€In order for recruiters to really notice your resume and invite you to a job interview, you need to be a bit different, to stand out of the crowd of candidates with generic resumes.Because of that, a bit longer summary we presented is a much better solution. This applicant included years of experience and certain activities that had to be performed on those jobs. This is helpful to recruiters to get some insight on what your skills are and whether you would be good for the job or not.However, make sure not to make this section too lengthy, since you still need to keep your resume as short as possible, so only include the most important information.HAVING A PRO-LOOKING EXPERIENCE SECTION MATTERS!When you finish writing that short summary, it is time to definitely widen it up and start writing the main part of your resume, starting with the experience section.When it comes to listing your previous jobs, a lot of people tend to write literally all jobs they’ve ever had in their careers.However, by doing that, you are putting a lot of unnecessary information in your resume, which will only make it larger for no reason.That’s why you probably wonder how far back should you go on a resume?The best way to list your jobs is from the most recent ones and then go back to the past, or in other words, by using the reverse-chronological order.Also, t o avoid making your veterinarian resume too long, make sure to list those jobs that were the most relevant in your professional career.For example, let’s say that you had worked as a shop assistant before you became veterinarian, but that you also have several other veterinarian jobs to list apart from that.So, the logical step would be to simply list those jobs, while excluding the job of a shop assistant, which has nothing to do with being a veterinarian.However, if, for example, you were an assistant in a pet shop, that could be relevant to veterinarian job, as you had to be in touch with different animals, so it would mean that you have some skills with handling animals, which is very important to be a veterinarian. Right WrongApart from just listing your past relevant jobs, you should also write something about each job, describing what were your responsibilities and what skills you had to use in order to do your job.That would give some clues about what you are capable of doing and whether it matches with the requirements for a job you’re applying for.Also, if you had some accomplishments in your previous jobs, make sure to also include them, like for instance, if you managed to help some number of pets overcome some heavy illnesses or injuries.PROPER WAY TO LIST YOUR SCHOOLS IN A VETERINARIAN RESUMEWhen it comes to listing your schools in a veterinary resume, the basic concept is pretty similar to writing something about your experience.So, start with the highest education you have and go back to the past.However, if you have a lot of experience and a good number of different jobs to list, it is better not to write too much about your education.Instead of listing several schools, simply put the highest one you had finished, for example, a college or university degree. Right WrongApart from that, write several things about each school you list, just like you did with listing your previous jobs.So, for example, if you participated in some school activities, make sure to include that. Also, if your grades were more than fine, you can also include that.Another useful information would be the fact that you managed to get onto the Dean’s list for several consecutive semesters.However, make sure to list that only if the requirements were higher than usual.EXPERT ADVICE ON WHAT SKILLS TO INCLUDE IN YOUR VETERINARIAN RESUMEHaving a lot of skills is always better than having none. However, that doesn’t mean you should write all your skills in a resume.Remember, we’ve talked about making your resume very informative, but keeping it short at the same time.Therefore, you will have to think about what is important for your job, for veterinary practice, and to write the most important skills in your resume. Right WrongAs you can see from the example, you should only put skills that are relevant for the job you are applying for, which is in this case, a veterinarian job.For instance, knowledge of Python is completely useless when it comes to being a veterinarian, while some skills, such as knowledge of actual medical standards and veterinary medical ethics are pretty important.Also, some skills that are useful for the job are actually something that is pre-determined to have, such as your love for animals or the knowledge of animal anatomy.In order to preserve space, you don’t have to list those really obvious skills if you have a lot more skills to add as well.That way, you will make recruiters’ job easier, since they will easily be able to compare your set of skills with the skills required for the job you had applied for.ADDITIONAL TIPS TO HELP YOU MAKE YOUR VETERINARIAN RESUME LOOK EVEN MORE PROFESSIONALThere you go! This was the general guide on how to write a perfect veterinarian r esume, what information to focus on and what can be excluded from it.Now, let’s talk about some details that could improve your resume even further in some way, whether it is just in a cosmetic way or structurally, which could make it look more professional.1. Using the Right Font to Beautify Your Veterinarian ResumeWhen you open a new text document, the first thing you should do is select a font that you want to use for your veterinarian resume.There isn’t any specific rule on what font you have to use, but there are several ways to decide between different font styles.The only type of font you should always avoid is hand-written font style, since it is a bit harder to read, which would make the job of a recruiter much harder.On another note, it is a good idea to select the font that matches the job you’re applying for and the template you are using.2. Finding the Optimal Size for Your ResumeAs we had already mentioned, having a very long resume is not a good idea because you would end up having a resume with a lot of unnecessary information.You have to optimize the resume size, by including the most important information and not including some things that might seem important, but they are not.Therefore, the best size for a resume is 1, or a maximum of 2 pages, so there are several ways of doing this, simply by selecting the right things to put on and different ways of removing unnecessary words to make your resume as short as possible.3. Making Your Resume Prettier by Using Bulleting ListsOne of those ways is to use bulleting lists in your resume whenever it is possible since they are very useful when it comes to shortening the amount of content you put in your resume.They can help make your resume a bit more organized and easier to read as well. Recruiters will have an easier time to read it and compare the information you shared with them with the requirements they had set for the job.4. Picking the Right Veterinarian Resume File FormatPeople usuall y write documents in TXT file format, which is the most common one and compatible with almost all writing software.It is fairly easy to edit, which allows you to keep your documents updated all the time, which is pretty important for resumes, as we will later see.Another format, which is often used for books, business letters, and product guides is the PDF file format, which looks neater and prettier to read.However, it is a bit harder to edit documents that are in this format, so people rarely choose it when it comes to writing the resume.In conclusion, our advice is that you should always keep a copy of your resume in a TXT file format, so you could edit it faster in case there are some nice unexpected job opportunities, as well as one copy in PDF file format, which you would send with the job application, since it looks more professional.5. Equipping Veterinarian Resume with Proper TemplateOne very nice way to make your resume look more professional is to have a nice-looking resu me template, which would intrigue the recruiters to read it more carefully.The best thing you could do is make your own template since that would give your resume a soul and make it more personal.However, it takes time to do that and most people don’t have either time nor patience to do that, so they simply download already made templates from the internet.If you decide to do that, you should make sure to download the template that would go well with the job position you’re applying for, as well as with your own personality.To help you with that, we offer you our online resume creator, with which you will easily make your veterinarian resume in just several minutes.6. Reading Your Resume AgainAfter you finish writing your resume, you might think that is it and that you only need to send it to a recruiter to apply for a job.Well, that is not quite true. What you should do instead is check your resume, in case you missed something important.The best way of doing that is to pretend to be a recruiter and read your resume as you would read the resume of your own applicants.That way, you will easily notice any inconveniences and potential mistakes, which would give you the option to fix them before sending the resume itself.In that case, your resume will be as polished as possible and recruiters won’t have any complaint when they decide to read it.7. Listing Political Activities and Opinions in Veterinarian ResumeYou might think that sharing your political opinions or that you are a member of a certain party is a good idea, but you wouldn’t be quite right.Of course, there are potential benefits, if it happens that your opinion matches those of recruiters for instance.However, if that is not the case, you might’ve just thrown yourself in the fire pit without reason, especially if recruiters tend to prefer people with the same political opinions, no matter the qualifications.Therefore, it is better not to mention any political activities and opinions in your resume because, that way, recruiters will stay objective and value you according to your capabilities and not because you are a member of their party.8. Making Sure There Are No Grammar Mistakes in Your Veterinarian ResumeOne of the most important things when it comes to writing a resume is to avoid having any grammar mistakes.That would make it look very unprofessional, and for a job like a veterinarian, people would expect that you are quite educated, so having grammar mistakes would simply make you dumber.Therefore, when you are finished with writing the resume, make sure to check your grammar, either by yourself or by using software such as Grammarly.9. Updating Your Resume with the Newest InformationWe live in a dynamic world. Everything changes very fast, including business life.People change jobs more frequently than ever before, so it is a good idea to always be ready to apply for a new job if a good opportunity arises.To do that, you need to keep your resume updated all th e time, so you would always be ready to send that job application.So, whenever you learn something new and important to your profession, make sure to open your resume and write it down.10. Telling Lies in a ResumeWe are sure you know some people who lied about something in their resumes and got away with it, which is what made you raise the question of whether you should do the same.Yes, people do that and it can often benefit them in the short run. However, in the long run, that is a huge mistake, since the truth eventually comes out, unless you do something about it.For example, let’s say that you lied about knowing to perform a certain medical procedure and one day you get a pet on which you need to perform that kind of procedure, but you cannot do it since you don’t know-how.So, by lying during your job application, you didn’t just endanger your job, but this pet’s life as well, which is something that could ruin your reputation as an ethical veterinarian.Therefore, neve r lie in your resumes. It is better, to tell the truth about your skills because this way, your employer might offer you paid courses to fill in the gaps in your knowledge.So, by doing that, you will learn something new and useful that you hadn’t known before, which could later help you save some animal lives.ADVICE ON HOW TO ROCK YOUR VETERINARIAN JOB INTERVIEWIn order to get the veterinarian job you want, you will need to do more than just have a good-looking resume.Proper preparation for a job interview is also very important. Some people go there unprepared and that is why they fail.Let’s see what you should do and how to prepare for a job interview.1. Learn Something About the EmployerFirst of all, you want to learn something about your potential employers, more precisely, something about the company itself because learning just about your boss would be a bit creepy, don’t you think?So, go to the company’s website, read through the content and find out, for example, wha t kind of medical procedures they offer.Also, some veterinarians focus on treating certain types of animals, so you could also learn about that in case they asked you whether you know something about their company or not, which is a common question in job interviews.2. Show Your Love Towards AnimalsBeing a veterinarian means that you will be in touch with a lot of animals and pets. That means that only people who really like animals can do this job, without hating it, of course.It also means that recruiters are looking for someone who is both qualified and who will also enjoy doing that job.To show them that you are the right person for the job, you should show them how much you love animals and pets.For example, try telling some caring story about how you saved a certain animal from a complicated situation.For instance, if you’ve ever saved a bird after it fell and broke a wing, make sure to describe how you managed to do it, how you felt sorry and obligated to help that poor bei ng.That would tell them that you have a lot of compassion towards animals, which is what every veterinarian needs to have.3. Stay Calm During Your Job InterviewOne of the really hard things to do, especially if this is your first job interview, is not to show recruiters that you are nervous.We are all nervous during job interviews. The difference is only that some people are better at hiding it than others.This comes with experience, so you don’t have to worry about that too much. Simply try to relax and be yourself.4. Find Out More About the Job ItselfDepending on the employer, job offers can be pretty descriptive and on the other hand, they can have a pretty vague description of the job.Therefore, before you go to an interview, make sure to learn about to job as much as possible, by browsing the internet.Also, during the interview, you should show some interest in the job, by asking some questions about what would your job actually be, what kind of animals would you work with an d things like that.It would tell recruiters that you are very interested in getting this job, which would raise your chances of getting it since everyone likes people who are a bit enthusiastic about the new job.However, don’t try to be too pushy and over-enthusiastic because that is not how you want to behave in a job interview.5. Prepare to Answer Some QuestionsDuring your interview, you will be asked a lot of questions, which is a way for recruiters to determine if you are a good person for the job.So, what you should do, is try to prepare to answer all those questions. There are some pretty common interview questions on the internet, so make sure to check them out before you go to an interview.Apart from those questions, they might ask you questions related to your profession, in this case, from veterinary science.Therefore, if you are really educated or already experienced in this field, this shouldn’t be a problem for you.6. Checking Your E-Mail OftenIn order to even get i nvited to an interview, you need to apply, probably via email. Then, you should be contacted by potential employers, either by phone or email.However, emails can get a bit tricky sometimes because some messages tend to get lost from time to time, as well as being put in wrong folders.Therefore, it is always a good idea to check your email on a regular basis, so you wouldn’t miss any important emails.As a special note, make sure to check all inbox tabs (promotions and social media as well) because some messages can get stuck there, even if they don’t belong there.Apart from that, you should also check the ‘Spam’ folder, since it could also contain some important messages.This way, you will always be aware of all important messages that you get through your emails, meaning that you will probably never miss that crucial message, in which you are invited to come to a job interview.CONCLUSIONThere you go, folks! In this text, we gave you some resume help, where you learned how to write a perfect veterinarian resume.You’ve seen some examples of how good veterinarian resume should look and then we focused on explaining each individual part of the resume.In the end, we discussed some additional tips that could help you pass your job interview and get that veterinarian job you want.So, what are you waiting for? Go and create your own veterinarian resume and impress potential employers. Create your own resume
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Major Sub-Disciplines of Geography
The field of geography is a vast and wondrous academic field with thousands of researchers working in dozens of interesting sub-disciplines or branches of geography. There is a branch of geography for just about any subject on Earth. In an effort to acquaint the reader with the diversity of the branches of geography, we summarize many below. Human Geography Many branches of geography are found within human geography, a major branch of geography that studies people and their interaction with the earth and with their organization of space on the earths surface. Economic GeographyEconomic geographers examine the distribution of production and distribution of goods, the distribution of wealth, and the spatial structure of economic conditions.Population GeographyPopulation geography is often equated with demography but population geography is more than just patterns of birth, death, and marriage. Population geographers are concerned with the distribution, migration, and growth of population in geographic areas.Geography of ReligionsThis branch of geography studies the geographic distribution of religious groups, their cultures, and built environments.Medical GeographyMedical geographers study the geographic distribution of disease (including epidemics and pandemics), illness, death and health care.Recreation, Tourism, and Sport GeographyThe study of leisure-time activities and their impact on local environments. As tourism is one of the worlds largest industries, it involves a great number of people making very temporary migrations and is thus of great interest to geographers.Military GeographyPractitioners of military geography are most often found in the military but the branch looks not only at the geographic distribution of military facilities and troops but also utilizes geographic tools to develop military solutions.Political GeographyPolitical geography investigates all aspects of boundaries, country, state, and national development, international organizations, diplomacy, internal country subdivisions, voting, and more.Agricultural and Rural GeographyGeographers in this branch study agriculture and rural settlement, the distribution of agriculture and the geographic movement and access to agricultural products, and land use in rural areas.Transportation GeographyTransportation geographers research transportation networks (both private and public) and the use of those networks for moving people and goods.Urban GeographyThe branch of urban geography investigates the location, structure, development, and growth of c ities  from tiny village to huge megalopolis. Physical Geography Physical geography is another major branch of geography. It is concerned with the natural features on or near the surface of the earth. BiogeographyBiographers study the geographic distribution of plants and animals on the earth in the subject known as biogeography.Water ResourcesGeographers working in the water resources branch of geography look at the distribution and use of water across the planet within the hydrologic cycle and of human-developed systems for water storage, distribution, and use.ClimateClimate geographers investigate the distribution of long-term weather patterns and activities of the earths atmosphere.Global ChangeGeographers researching global change explore the long-term changes occurring to planet Earth based on human impacts on the environment.GeomorphologyGeomorphologists study the landforms of the planet, from their development to their disappearance through erosion and other processes.Hazards GeographyAs with many branches of geography, hazards combine work in physical and human geography. Hazard geographers research extreme events known as hazards or disaster and explore the human interac tion and response to these unusual natural or technological events.Mountain GeographyMountain geographers look at the development of mountain systems and at the humans who live in higher altitudes and their adaptations to these environments.Cryosphere GeographyCryosphere geography explores the ice of the earth, especially glaciers and ice sheets. Geographers look at the past distribution of ice on the planet and ice-cause features from glaciers and ice sheets.Arid RegionsGeographers studying arid regions examine the deserts and dry surfaces of the planet. The explore how humans, animals, and plants make their home in dry or arid regions and the use of resources in these regions.Coastal and Marine GeographyWithin coastal and marine geography, there are geographers researching the coastal environments of the planet and how humans, coastal life, and coastal physical features interact.Soils GeographySoil geographers study the upper layer of the lithosphere, the soil, of the earth and it s categorization and patterns of distribution. Other major branches of geography include: Regional Geography Many geographers focus their time and energy on studying a specific region on the planet. Regional geographers focus on areas as large as a continent or as small as an urban area. Many geographers combine a regional specialty with a specialty in another branch of geography. Applied Geography Applied geographers use geographic knowledge, skills, and techniques to solve problems in everyday society. Applied geographers are often employed outside of academic environment and work for private firms or governmental agencies. Cartography It has often been said that geography is anything that can be mapped. While all geographers know how to display their research on maps, the branch of cartography focuses on improving and developing technologies in map-making. Cartographers work to create useful high-quality maps to show geographic information in the most useful format possible. Geographic Information Systems Geographic Information Systems or GIS is the branch of geography that develops databases of geographic information and systems to display geographic data in a map-like format. Geographers in GIS work to create layers of geographic data and when layers are combined or utilized together in complex computerized systems, they can provide geographic solutions or sophisticated maps with the press of a few keys. Geographic Education Geographers working in the field of geographic education seek to give teachers the skills, knowledge, and tools they need to help combat geographic illiteracy and to develop future generations of geographers. Historical Geography Historical geographers research the human and physical geography of the past. History of Geography Geographers working in the history of geography seek to maintain the history of the discipline by researching and documenting the biographies of geographers and the histories of geographic studies and geography departments and organizations. Remote Sensing Remote sensing utilizes satellites and sensors to examine features on or near the earths surface from a distance. Geographers in remote sensing analyze data from remote sources to develop information about a place where direct observation is not possible or practical. Quantitative Methods This branch of geography uses mathematical techniques and models to test hypothesis. Quantitative methods are often used in many other branches of geography but some geographers specialize in quantitative methods specifically.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Separation Of Powers Of Power - 924 Words
Jaspal Singh WRI 1. Sec 32 Rebeca Antoine September 25, 2014 Separation of Powers Separation of Powers is a system in which power is divided between three branches of government. These branches consist of Legislative (Congress), Executive (President), and Judiciary (Supreme Court). Each one of the branches is given a duty to fulfill. If one branch doesn’t fulfill its duties, the other branches can force that branch to fulfill it. There is another system that helps these branches of government to check on each other and limit each other’s powers. It is called Checks and Balances. It helps each branch to limit the power of the other. Each branch has specific duties. The Legislative branch is made to create or repeal laws. The Executive branch executes and enforces the law and the Judiciary branch interprets the laws. The Separation of Powers prevents the power going to one branch. The system prevents the abuse of the power given to each of the branches. The system was used to limit the power of one branch for a reason, now it is used to make obstacles for bills that will help the citizens of this country. The Separation of Powers and Checks and Balances can be seen in action, when a new bill is getting purposed, treaty is being made and when declaring the war against the foreign nation. When a bill get purposed to become a law, it shows all three branches fulfilling their duties. The bill goes through various phases before becoming a law. For instance, if Congress comes upShow MoreRelatedSeparation Of Powers783 Words  | 4 Pageswe have to go to be able to properly lay the divisions of power in the government and implement the separation of powers as written in the Constitution? We must analyze the structure of government to find a means of keeping departments in check. So we can develop this theory, some observations will be noted in order to shape a clearer idea on the structure of government. For a strong substructure to be established for the separate powers of government, each branch must have a different purpose soRead MoreSeparation of Power731 Words  | 3 Pagesdo not wish to abandon the doctrine of separation of power but however, this notion shall follow the Montesquieu approach as he provides for a separation of power that aims at having separate institutions doing separate function by separate personnel and having the checks and balance that will control the powers of these organs. The doctrine of separation of power cannot be abandoned because of the following reasons: The doctrine avoids the abuse of powers. This means that when a single personRead MoreThe Separation Of Powers Of The State And Its Powers912 Words  | 4 Pagesway in which the state is established. In short, it is a framework that explains the structure of the state and its powers. Unlike most modern states, Britain does not have a codified constitution but an unwritten one that exists in an abstract sense. It delineates the powers of the different branches of the state, and the restrictions placed on the institutions and on state power. It is comprised of various acts of Parliament, court judgements and conventions that have evolved over a long periodRead MoreSeparation of Powers1967 Words  | 8 Pagesis to defend the assertion that separation of power in Zambia is relative. This essay will begin by giving a brief description of the concept Separation of Powers. executive, legislature and the judiciary. Thereafter, a Main Body shall provide a detailed discussion over the assertion after which a conclusion will b e given to summarise the discussion. According to the online business dictionary, Separation of Powers is a constitutional principle that limits the powers vested in any person or institutionRead MoreThe Separation Of Powers : The New System Of Power1531 Words  | 7 Pages In American Democracy in Peril†Hudson s central argument concerning chapter one Separation of Powers, is that our current system of presidency is inefficient, unresponsive, and unaccountable. That separation of powers has divided and made constantly obstructed government, that is incapable of addressing vital issues moving a majority of the voters. He views the requirement for separation of powers as old, and a significant obstacle to achieving democratic government within the ordinal centuryRead MoreThe Doctrine Of The Separation Of Power1610 Words  | 7 Pagesof the separation of powers has been compromised to a less extent in the nation like Australia. The first section will constitute in exploring the history and the significance of the separation of the power doctrine. In the second section I will discuss about the compromise of the doctrine, especially between the administrator and the legislature with some good cases held in high court. Besides, some clarification will be provided to explain how the philosophical system of separation of power is beingRead MoreThe Division and Separation of Power944 Words  | 4 PagesThe Division and Separation of power are essential to keep our societies rulers to have a restriction on their powers. The importance of each on the Australian domestic law especially in relation to the rule of law, and protecting individual rights, and the legal system. The difference between the division and separation of powers is small. The Division of power is one of the most important aspects of the Constitution. This role is dividing power between the state and Commonwealth parliaments. ThisRead MoreThe Doctrine Of Separation Of Power966 Words  | 4 Pagesdoctrine of separation of power is a vital element of modern, democratic systems of government. At the same time, it will show the basic points of working process in Australian legal system. Callie Harvey declared that only under the condition that separation of power can be maintained between parts of government, the democratic civilisation can be justly ruled. In fact, the legal system in Australia is divided into three branches, which are based on the doctrine of separation of power, with theRead MoreSeparation of Powers in the Constitution895 Words  | 4 Pages The Separation of Powers was simply created to establish a system of checks and balances so that no one particular division of the government could solely control all of our nations business. This makes is so the President does not have dictatorial control. Congress has a form of checked power so they cannot make unfair laws. The Judicial Branch is then not allowed to exceed the power that is given to them by law. It’s a system â€Å"Of the people, by the people, and for the people†allowing us asRead MoreThe Principle Of Separation Of Powers891 Words  | 4 PagesThe method of separa tion of powers was a very important addition to the constitution for the founders of the document. After years of struggling under Great Britain’s regime then finally getting freed, they wanted to make sure they avoided every way of a totalitarian government arising. Thus forth, the founders developed the idea of separation of powers. However, this was the 18th century. Although the creators of the constitution did a great job at developing a long lasting agreement between government
Knowledge and Justified True Belief Free Essays
Prior to Edmund Gettier, philosophers believed that knowledge was equivalent to justified true belief. Since Plato, it had generally been agreed among philosophers that there are three criteria of propositional knowledge, individually necessary and jointly sufficient (Pryor, 2005; Cushing, 2000). Before the Gettier philosophy, the following JTB Analysis (justification, truth, and belief) formed the basis of the theory of knowledge: â€Å"S knows that P iff: P is true (truth criterion) S believe that P (belief criterion) S is justified in believing P (justification criterion)†A classic example of the above proposition would be the one by Carl Ginet on fake barns. We will write a custom essay sample on Knowledge and Justified True Belief or any similar topic only for you Order Now  A person is driving through rural Pennsylvania where there are a lot of fake barns: mere wooden fronts that look like barns from the road. The person driving through is not aware of this and has no reason to suspect it. As the person looks off to his or her right, and sees something that looks like a barn, then that person believes, â€Å"That’s a barn.† As a matter of fact, it is a barn, as it is one of the few barns in the region which is not a fake. But then that person would just be lucky. If he or she had looked at a fake barn instead, then he or she would have believed that it was a barn (Pryor, 2005). In this case then it would seem that the person’s belief that he or she drove by a barn is justified or reasonable simply because it looks like a barn and the person was not informed that the region was full of fake barns. Then in this case, the person’s belief is also true. But then the question is if that person knows that he or she is driving by a barn (Pryor, 2005). It seems then that justified true belief is not sufficient for knowledge. It is this theory that Edmund Gettier is criticizing. Exposition Gettier’s main objection is to the claim that justified true belief is sufficient for knowledge. He presented examples in which the subject has a justified true belief which intuitively fails to count as knowledge (Pryor, 2005). He does not question whether the three criterion are each necessary. Rather, what Gather provides is that these propositions are not jointly sufficient. In other words, Gettier provides that we can justifiably believe the true proposition P but not necessarily know P (Cushing, 2000). In his philosophy, Gettier (1963) makes two important points. First, the proposition wherein S is justified in believing P is a necessary condition of S’s knowing that P is open to the possibility that a person is justified in believing a proposition that is in fact false. The second point is that for any proposition P, if S is justified in believing P, and P entails Q, and S deduces Q from P and accepts Q as a result of this deduction, then S is justified in believing Q (Gettier, 1963).  Stated differently, these two points represent two assumptions: 1) it is possible for someone to be justified in believing something false; and 2) if S is justified in believing P and P entails Q, then S is justified in believing Q (Cushing, 2000). A classic Gettier example to illustrate these two points or assumptions would be the one about the Ford car. Suppose a person called Smith has a justified belief that someone in his office owns a Ford. It is also true, as a matter of fact, that someone in the office does indeed own a Ford. However, Smith’s evidence for his belief concerns Jones, from his office, who as it turns out does not own a Ford. Smith’s belief that someone in the office owns a Ford is true because someone else in the office owns a Ford (not Jones). The person who in fact owns a Ford is actually, for example, called Brown. Yet all of Smith’s evidence concerns Jones, and not Brown, so it seems that intuitively, Smith doesn’t know that someone in his office owns a Ford. It would seem then that Smith doesn’t know, even though Smith has a justified belief that someone owns a Ford, and as it turns out, this belief happens to be true (Pryor, 2005). From the above example, it would seem that Smith has a justified belief in a true proposition (in that someone in his office owns a Ford), but this is not to say that he has knowledge of that proposition (since the owner of the Ford is Brown, not Jones, as Smith thought).  What Gettier (1963) thus tells is that even if the three criterion composed of truth, belief, and justification are individually necessary for knowledge, they are not jointly sufficient (Cushing, 2000). This has been widely called as the Gettier Problem (Pryor, 2005; Cushing, 2000; Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2006). Thus, the JTB Analysis, previously mentioned as the existing proposition prior to the Gettier problem, does not state a sufficient condition for someone’s knowing a given proposition (Gettier, 1963).   In the example given on the Ford, the Gettier problem arises because of the proposition that a person knows that someone owns a Ford based on evidence that falls short of certainty. If knowledge requires absolutely certain evidence, then the person Smith in the Ford example would not be in a position to know that someone owns a Ford . His (Smith’s) evidence after all was not absolutely certain or infallible because he was mistaken as to who owned the Ford (Pryor, 2005). Assuming that Gettier’s philosophy is correct, then a possible solution to the Gettier problem then would be that knowledge is justified true belief where the reasoning on which a person’s belief is based on does not proceed through any false steps or falsehood (Pryor, 2005). However, the Gettier examples need not involve any inference, so there may be cases of justified true belief in which the subject fails to have knowledge although the S’s belief that P is not inferred from any falsehood. The lesson from the Gettier problem then is that the justification condition by itself cannot ensure that belief that is true cannot be mistakenly identified as knowledge. Even a justified belief (which is belief based on good evidence), can be true because of luck (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2006), such as the example on the Ford car wherein Smith’s belief that someone owns a car is true in the sense that someone (Brown) does indeed own a car, but Smith’s justified belief or good evidence as to the someone who owns the Ford actually pertains to someone else (Jones). Assuming that Gettier is correct, a possible option for working out an account of what knowledge is.  Knowledge is justified true belief absent luck or accident.  Gettier’s fourth condition to knowledge (on the absence of falsehood) is not necessary as his cases indicate that a person can still hold on to a true belief based on luck or accident. The third criterion in the JTB Analysis, on justification, itself requires that luck be excluded (Sudduth, 2005). Thus, justified true belief may be sufficient for knowledge only if you eliminate luck or accident. Conclusion According to Gettier (1963), justified true belief can fail to constitute knowledge. Justified true belief may not be sufficient for knowledge, and he further tells us that the three criterion of truth, belief, and justification are not jointly sufficient. Gettier proposes a third condition, that true belief should not be based on any falsehood. However, his philosophy involves the elements of luck or accident which allows the subject to hold on to a true belief. Thus, it would seem that justified true belief may be sufficient for knowledge providing luck or accident are eliminated from the justification criterion. REFERENCES Cushing, Simon. (2000). Edmund Gettier: â€Å"Is Justified True Belief Knowledge?† University of Michigan-Flint. Retrieved November 1, 2006 from Gettier, Edmund L. (1963). Is Justified True Belief Knowledge? Analysis 23: 121-123. Transcribed into hypertext by Andrew Chrucky, September 13, 1997. Retrieved November 1, 2006 from: Pryor, Jim. (Spring 2004). Theory of Knowledge – The Gettier Problem. Princeton University. Retrieved November 1, 2006 from: Sudduth, Michael. (2005). Justification and the Gettier Problem. Dr. Michael Sudduth’s Philosophy Courses Webpage. Retrieved November 1, 2006 The Analysis of Knowledge. (January 16, 2006). Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved November 1, 2006 from: How to cite Knowledge and Justified True Belief, Essay examples
Friday, April 24, 2020
The Rights of Child Essay Example
The Rights of Child Essay Child Rights and Law : a guidebook for legal interventions PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version http://www. fineprint. com 1098 Authored by: Maharukh Adenwalla Illustrated by: Kajal Gaba This publication is supported by: National Lottery Charities Board (UK) This publication is for private circulation. Any part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means with due acknowledgment to the authors and publishers. Â © CHILDLINE India Foundation, CIF First Published, February 2002 Printed at: Jenaz Printers, 261 2853 2 PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version http://www. fineprint. com 1098 FOREWARD CHILDLINE often encounters calls that require legal intervention while addressing the emergency needs of children and protecting their rights. Many a times, it is fear of the judicial system, lack of knowledge about procedures, lack of support systems or simply getting stuck at what would seem as the simplest of procedures; the fact however is that legal interventions have never been easy. The idea of this manual germinated from some such difficulties faced in handling calls. In some calls, hospitals refused admissions to medically ill children, police refused to act on sexual abuse charges, authorities dealt ineffectively with institutional abuse or the labour department turned a blind eye at child labour. This manual serves as an insight into the legal responsibilities of varied allied systems that come in contact with a child, besides outlining intervention guidelines for calls that require legal inputs and procedures. This manual is a result of the various discussions held at different CHILDLINE artnership meets and forums, where the team shared their experiences, problems and concerns with respect to the legal system. The concept was also shared at the CHILDLINE Coordinators’ meet and this manual is a result of these discussions. We are grateful to Ms. Maharukh Adenwalla, a lawyer and child rights activist, for authoring this publication and meeting with the CHILDLINE teams in order to understand the legal problems faced by them. 3 PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version http://www. fineprint. com 1098 This manual would definitely be of help, to intervene in legal cases. We will write a custom essay sample on The Rights of Child specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Rights of Child specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Rights of Child specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer However, the reader must remember that these guidelines are only ideal legal steps. At times, due to social pressures, a legal intervention step has to be combined with social work skills keeping in mind the best interest of the child and respecting the wishes of the child. It is equally important to explain the legal process involved, to the child. Therefore it is recommended that the team members discuss the nature and implications of legal interventions within the team and with the child before going ahead with legal action. This manual is divided into two parts. The first part illustrates different types of calls at CHILDLINE that require legal intervention. These calls overlap in different categories so the reader may find one case study classified into 2 or more categories, depending on the situation of the child in need of care and protection. This classification is also listed in Annexure-I. The second part of the manual deals with various laws related to children. We hope this manual is of use to not only our CHILDLINE teams but to other child rights activists as well, who work towards protecting children in need of care and protection. CHILDLINE India Foundation Team 4 PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version http://www. fineprint. com 1098 PREFACE A child has rights, but due to age constraints is unable to claim her/ his rights. The rights of a child are exercised by proxy through the family, society and State. Unfortunately, these very agencies are responsible for violating children’s rights. Non-governmental organisations, therefore, play a vital role in protecting and promoting the rights of children. CHILDLINE constantly intervenes to ensure children their rights. CHILDLINE has been given special mention under the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act 2000. Under this Act, CHILDLINE is empowered to produce a child in need of care and protection before the Child Welfare Committee. Other voluntary organisations or agencies are also empowered to perform such function, but require to be so recognised by the State government. Voluntary organisations or agencies not so recognised can approach CHILDLINE to safeguard the interests of children requiring care and protection. Most of the calls received by CHILDLINE are concerned with deprivation or violation of rights, and their responses are based in law. It is essential for activists to identify violation of legal rights and offer legal remedies. No longer is it enough to merely provide a place of safety to the child, the violator has to be punished and told that such conduct will not be tolerated. 5 PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version http://www. fineprint. com 1098 6 PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version http://www. fineprint. com 1098 CONTENTS No. Topics PART I CASE STUDIES 1 . 2. 3. Pysical abuse and forced domestic work by parents . 1 1 Physical abuse and non-payment of wages by employer 1 3 Physical abuse and wrongful confinement of domestic worker . 5 4. Refusal of police to record complaint of physical abuse of domestic worker 1 6 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 1 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Torture of domestic worker by police .. 1 6 Death of domestic worker due to neglect . 1 7 Children employed in bidi-making unit .. 1 8 Harassment by railway police 20 Permanent injury due to railway accident . 1 Eve-teasing at railway station . 22 Proposed child marriage .. 22 Corporal punishment at school . 23 Repeated physical abuse by father . 24 Sexual abuse by father .. 25 Rescue from brothel . 27 Child of woman in prostitution .. 27 7 Page No. PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version http://www. ineprint. com 1098 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Pornography and sexual activity 28 Sexual Abuse in Obervation Home by Superintendent . 30 Death in Children’s Home . 3 1 Rape by neighbours 33 Arrest of 6 year old for commission of offence 34 Arrest of 10 year old for commission of offence .. 35 Lost child unable to give particulars 7 Search for missing child 38 Runaway child wanting to return home 38 Child tested HIV positive 39 HIV testing by residential institution . 39 Discharge from Public Hospital due to HIV status .. 40 Public Hospital’s refusal to treat a street child 4 1 Insistence by Public Hospital to lodge police complaint prior to admission/treatment .. 4 1 31. 32. 33. Dead child found on roadside .. 42 Permanent injury caused by motorist . 42 Guardianship Certificate for legal dues of deceased father . 43 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. Education facilities for disabled . 44 Mental illness of mother 45 Mentally disabled street child . 46 Custody of child on divorce . 6 Grant of Domicile Certificate 47 8 PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version http://www. fineprint. com 1098 39. 40. 41. 42. Adoption by Hindu parent 48 Adoption of abandoned child . 49 Adoption by Indian Christian parent 50 Rescue from begging ring . 5 1 Part II CHILD RELATED LAWS AND JUDGEMENTS 1 . Constitution of India . 2 Public Interest Litigation .. 54 2. Right to Health 55 Pt. Parmanand Katara vs. Union of India (AIR 1989 S. C. 2039) 3. Right to Education . 56 Unni Krishnan, J. P. vs. State of Andhra Pradesh (AIR 1993 S. C. 2178) 4. The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act 2000 56 Krist Pereira vs. The State of Maharashtra Ors. (Criminal Writ Petiti on No. 107 of 1996- Bombay High Court) 5. 6. The Women’s and Children’s (Licensing) Act 1956 67 The Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act 1986 68 M. C. Mehta vs. State of Tamil Nadu (AIR 1997 S. C. 699) 7. The Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act 1976 70 Bandhua Mukti Morcha vs. Union of India (AIR 1984 S. C. 802) 9 PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version http://www. fineprint. com 1098 8. Criminal Procedure 72 Bailable and Non-bailable Offence Cognizable and Non-cognizable Offence . 10. 1. 1 First Information Report .. 74 Indian Penal Code 1860 74 Torture .. 8 1 Rekha M. Kholkar vs. State of Goa Ors. (III (1995) CCR 470 (DB)) 12. 13. The Probation of Offenders Act 1958 .. 82 The Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act 1956 . 83 The Public at Large vs. State of Maharashtra Ors. 1997 (4) Bom. C. R. 171 Prerana vs. State of Maharashtra (Writ Petition No. 1332 of 1999 -Bombay High Court) 14. 15. Maintenance of Children .. 93 Adoption . 95 Lakshmi Kant Pandey vs. Union of India (AIR 1984 S. C. 469) Central Adoption Resource Agency (CARA) Manuel Theodore D’Souza (2000 (2) Bom. C. R. 244) 16. The Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act 1995 .. 102 17. 18. The Child Marriage Restraint Act 1929 . 03 Annexure-I 105 10 PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version http://www. fineprint. com 1098 PART I This Part of the book contains queries, some hypothetical and others frequently asked, to be handled by a CHILDLINE volunteer. Only necessary legal intervention in handling queries is dealt with in this book. It is essential for a CHILDLINE volunteer to have some basic knowledge of the law as many queries require a prompt legal response; initial action taken can make or break a case. Improper handling at the initial stage could cause irreparable damage to the child. It is also very important for CHILDLINE activists to identify advocates in their region who will provide legal support in complex cases. This book is a mere guide to help the CHILDLINE volunteer in providing immediate basic assistance to the caller. Case No. 1 Thirteen year old Gita is constantly harassed by her mother and step-father. Gita and her younger sister do domestic work in nearby households. Gita wants to go to school, but each time she suggests the same she is beaten by her mother and/or step-father. . The mother and step-father of Gita have committed an offence under the Indian Penal Code and the Juvenile Justice [Care and Protection of Children] Act. a) Causing hurt to any person is an offence under the Indian Penal Code, and is punishable with imprisonment which may extend to one year, or with fine which may extend to Rs. 1,000/-, or with both. b) Assaulting of a child by a person who is in charge of or control of that child is an offence under the Juvenile Justice [Care and Protection of Children] Act. The offender is liable to be punished with imprisonment which may extend to six months, or with fine, or with both. 11 PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version http://www. fineprint. com 1098 2. CHILDLINE must bring this ill-treatment to the notice of the Child Welfare Committee established under the Juvenile Justice [Care and Protection of Children] Act, and ensure that an inquiry is initiated by the Committee. The mother and step-father of Gita will be called before the Committee along with their children. The aid of Special Juvenile Police Unit may be taken for production before the Committee. The Committee will speak with the children, and the mother/step-father. i) If it appears to the Committee that the children have been harassed or beaten by their mother/step-father, the children will be temporarily removed to the Children’s Home or a place of safety. CHILDLINE or any other organisation may apply for temporary custody of the children pending inquiry by the Committee. If the Committee is satisfied that CHILDLINE or any other organisation has the appropriate facilities, the children will be given in the temporary care of CHILDLINE or the other organisation. ii) If on completion of inquiry it is evident that the mother / step-father have been ill-treating Gita and her sister, the Committee may punish the mother / step-father with imprisonment / fine / both. (iii) If it appears to the Committee that the mother / stepfather are willing to care for the children, the children may be kept with the mother / step-father. The mother / step-father will be required to execu te a bond with or without surety, and will be responsible for the wellbeing of the children. The bond should contain a condition that the children will not be ill-treated or forced to do domestic work and will be sent to school. The Committee has the powers to put the children under 12 PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version http://www. fineprint. com 1098 supervision of a Probation Officer. If the mother / stepfather continue with the ill-treatment, the children will be removed from their care and put into a Childrens Home or in the care of an appropriate organisation willing to care for the children. iv) If it appears to the Committee that the mother / stepfather are unfit to care for Gita and her sister, the children may be put in the care of a Childrens Home, or in the care of CHILDLINE or any other organisation, if CHILDLINE or the other organisation are able to satisfy the Committee that they have the requisite facilities for the care, education and healthy development of children. 3. If Gita and her sister have been severely beaten by the mother / step -father, it is necessary that a complaint be filed at the nearest police station. It is also necessary to ensure that the children are medically examined at a Public Hospital. The complaint may be filed by CHILDLINE or any person. In such case both the Child Welfare Committee and the police will conduct an investigation. The proceedings before the Committee will be with regards to the care and future of the children, whereas the criminal proceedings will focus on punishment to the offending mother / step-father. 4. It is necessary that a CHILDLINE representative be present during the proceedings before the Child Welfare Committee to protect the interest of Geeta and her sister. Case No. 2 Eleven year old Shabnam is physically abused by her employer. Shabnam has been working as a full-time domestic worker since the last year, but her employer has not paid Shabnam her wages. CHILDLINE has received this information through an anonymous caller. 13 PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version http://www. fineprint. com 1098 1 . The CHILDLINE representative answering the telephone call must take down the address of Shabnams employer. 2. CHILDLINE must file a complaint with the police station nearest to the residence of Shabnams employer, and must in detail narrate the anonymous callers message. . A police officer is bound to take action if there is reasonable suspicion that an offence has been committed. A CHILDLINE representative must go along with the police to rescue Shabnam. Shabnam must be removed from the employers residence, and the employer must be arrested. 4. The police must record Shabnams statement. Shabnam should not be kept at the police station; she may be admitted to the Children’s Home or allowed to remain with CHILDLINE. 5. Shabnam must be produced before the Child Welfare Committee within 24 hours of her rescue. CHILDLINE or any other suitable organisation may make an application before the Committee for temporary custody of Shabnam pending inquiry. 6. Attempts must be made to contact Shabnams parents. The Child Welfare Committee may hand over Shabnam to her parents if (a) Shabnam is willing to go with them, and (b) the parents are willing to care for Shabnam. The Committee may require the parents to execute a bond for the well-being of Shabnam. The travelling expenses of the parent, i. e. the lowest railway fare, is to be borne by the Superintendent of the Children’s Home if the parents are unable to bear the travelling expense. The expense of the childs journey home is also to be borne by the Superintendent. 7. If Shabnam cannot be reunited with her parents, CHILDLINE or any other suitable organisation should make an application before the Child Welfare Committee for the care and custody of Shabnam. The Committee may supervise the placement through a Probation Officer. 14 PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version http://www. fineprint. com 1098 8. The employer has committed an offence of causing hurt, and withholding Shabnams salary. i) The first is an offence under the Indian Penal Code and is punishable with imprisonment which may extend to one year, or with fine which may extend to Rs. 1,000-, or with both. (ii) Exploitation of a child by an employer and withholding a childs earning is an offence under Section 26 of the Juvenile Justice [Care and Protection of Children] Act, and is punishable with imprisonment which may extend to three years and fine. (iii) The employer is in charge of and has control over the juvenile, therefore the employer will also be liable for cruelty to juvenile under Section 23 of the Juvenile Justice [Care and Protection of Children] Act. Case No. 3 Shalini is working as a full-time domestic worker in Delhi. Shalini hails from a village in Madhya Pradesh. Shalinis employers have not paid her any salary, and they beat her if she asks for payment of her salary. Shalinis employers do not allow her to leave the house nor do they allow her to write to her family. Thirteen year old Shalini wants to return home to her family. 1 . 2. Replicate what has been mentioned in Case No. 2. In this case the employer has also committed the offence of wrongfully confining Shalini. Wrongful confinement means prevention from proceeding beyond certain limits. Wrongful confinement is punishable under the Indian Penal Code with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year or fine which may extend to Rs. 1,000/- or both. If the confinement is for three or more days the imprisonment may extend to two years. 15 PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version http://www. fineprint. com 1098 Case No. 4 Rita who is 14 years of age has been physically assaulted by her employers. Rita escaped from her employers residence and is now with her mother. Ritas mother attempted to file a complaint with the concerned police station, but the police officer refused to record the complaint. In case of a police officer refusing to record the complaint, 1 . Reduce the complaint in writing, and address it to the Senior Police Inspector of the concerned police station. Mention in the complaint the name of the police personnel who refused to record the complaint. Take the acknowledgement of receipt on your copy of the complaint. 2. If the police personnel refuses to take the written complaint, send the written complaint to the concerned Assistant Commissioner of Police, with a copy to the Deputy Commissioner of Police and the Commissioner of Police, or the concerned Superintendent of Police. The complaint may be sent by registered post or by hand delivery. In case of hand delivery take acknowledgement of receipt on your copy of the complaint. 3. Advise Ritas mother to get Rita medically examined at a Public Hospital, i. e. a government or corporation hospital, and to get the injury marks photographed by a professional photographer. Case No. 5 Shyams employer has misplaced Rs. 200/-, and suspects Shyam of having stolen the money. The employer informs the police of his suspicion. The police pick-up Shyam for interrogation. The police torture him at the police station in order to force him to confess to having committed the offence. Shyam repeatedly 16 PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version http://www. fineprint. com 1098 stated that he has not stolen the money. Shyam is later released by the police. Shyam is 15 years old. 1 . The police officers who have tortured Shyam are guilty of having committed an offence under Section 330 of the Indian Penal Code. This section deals with causing hurt to extort confession, or to compel restoration of property, and is punishable with imprisonment which may extend to seven years and fine. . CHILDLINE or any other organisation must file a complaint with the police station, and a copy of the complaint must be sent to the Commissioner of Police, Deputy Commissioner of Police and Assistant Commissioner of Police for information and necessary action. 3. CHILDLINE or any other organisation or individual should file a Writ Petition before the High Court fo r an order directing the offending police personnel to pay compensation for the physical injury and mental trauma caused to Shyam due to the illegal action of the police. [Refer to III (1995) CCR 470 (DB) : Rekha M. Kholkar vs. State of Goa] Case No. 6 Six year old Santosh died at the residence of Mr. A with whom he was working as a full-time domestic worker since the last one year. Mr. A told the neighbours that Santosh was ill and had died of natural causes. Anand, a friend of Santosh who works for Mr. As neighbours told his employer that Santosh was made to work eighteen hours a day, and was given left-overs as food. 1 . Anand or Anands employer must be persuaded to immediately report to the concerned police station the manner in which Santoshs employer used to treat Santosh. 2. Santoshs employer must be arrested for murder under Section 300 of the Indian Penal Code as he was definitely aware that starving Santosh was dangerous and in all probability would result in his 17 PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version http://www. fineprint. com 1098 death. Murder is a non-bailable offence, and is punishable with death, or life imprisonment and fine. 3. If the body of Santosh has not been disposed of, the Post Mortem must be conducted. The Post Mortem Report will indicate the cause of death. 4. Murder is a cognizable offence, therefore the case will be prosecuted by the State through the Public Prosecutor. It is necessary that CHILDLINE or some other organisation takes the responsibility of coordinating with the Public Prosecutor to know what is happening in Court. 5. If the employer files a bail application, CHILDLINE or some other organisation should ensure that the Public Prosecutor opposes the bail application, or an advocate may be appointed on the parents behalf to oppose the bail application. If the parents cannot be traced, CHILDLINE or any other organisation should appoint a watching advocate to make submissions before the Court to ensure that the employer is punished. . Successful prosecution will send a message to the public that child abuse is severely dealt with by the Courts and law enforcers, this will act as a deterrent to potential abusers. Case No. 7 Boys between the age of 9 to 12 years are working in a bidimaking unit in Jalgaon district. An organisation has made repeated representations to the Collector but no action has been taken. 1 . Under Article 24 of the Cons titution, no child below the age of 14 years shall be made to work in any hazardous employment. 2. Bidi-making has been designated as a hazardous process at item No. 1) in Part B of the Schedule annexed to the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act 1986. 18 PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version http://www. fineprint. com 1098 3. CHILDLINE may undertake any of the following actions to stop this unlawful employment:a) File a complaint with the Inspector appointed under the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, and accompany him on his visit to the bidi-making unit. If children are found to be working at the unit, ensure that the Inspector files a complaint with the police or Magistrate of the First Class. ) CHILDLINE may file a complaint with the police. Accompany the police to the bidi-making unit. Panchnamas should be made. The police should file a complaint before the Magistrate of the First Class. c) CHILDLINE may directly file a complaint before the Magistrate of the First Class. d) CHILDLINE may bring this employment in contravention of the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act to the notice of the High Court by filing a Public Interest Litigation. 4. Age of the child is of paramount importance. In the absence of proof of age, the child should be examined by a medical officer attached to a Public Hospital. Such medical officer will issue a certificate in respect of age of the child. 5. The employer should be made to deposit a sum of Rs. 20,000/- in the Child Labour Rehabilitation-cum-Welfare Fund in case of each child employed in contravention of the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act. This Fund is to be established for each district. The State Government must also provide a job to an adult member of the family, and if the same is not possible, the State Government is required to deposit a sum of Rs. 5,000/- with the Fund. 6. In case of bonded labour, State Vigilance Committees have been established to monitor the implementation of the Bonded Labour 19 PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version http://www. fineprint. com 1098 System (Abolition) Act 1976. The State Vigilance Committee includes as members, non-political social groups working at grass root levels. CHILDLINE should also keep the State Vigilance Committee informed, and ask them to intervene to stop child labour. Case No. 8 The caller witnessed ten year old Ramu being beaten by the Railway Police. Ramu was beaten as he was sleeping at the railway station. Ramu told the caller that this was a daily occurrence, and often the boys paid money to the Railway Police to be allowed to sleep at the station. 1 . Efforts must be made to identify those Railway Police who are beating and harassing the boys. The name and designation of such Railway Police should be obtained. 2. A complaint with regards to the offending Railway Police must be filed with his Superior Officer. This complaint should mention the behaviour of the offending Railway Police in detail. The complaint should be made by the boys, including Ramu, or by CHILDLINE or any other organisation. 3. The Railway Protection Forces Act 1957 provides for appointment of Railway Police Force to protect and safeguard railway property. Any Railway Police Force may be dismissed or suspended or reduced in rank due to improper or negligent discharge of duty. Such order for dismissal, suspension or reduction in rank may be passed by any Superior Officer. 4. A complaint may simultaneously be filed by the boys, including Ramu, or CHILDLINE or any other organisation against the offending Railway Police before the concerned police station as the Railway Police have acted in an illegal manner and are liable for criminal prosecution. 0 PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version http://www. fineprint. com 1098 Case No. 9 Twelve year old Shaikh was injured in a railway accident, and has lost a leg. Shaikh is a street child and due to the accident is not in a position to earn a living. 1 . CHILDLINE should assist Shaikh to file a claim before the Railways Claims Tribunal within one year of the accident. If the period of one year has elapsed, an application may be made to the Tribunal for condonation of delay. The application for condonation of delay must give reasons as to why the claim was not filed earlier. The Tribunal has been established under the Railways Act 1989, and is required to assess damages to be paid in case of railway accidents to the injured or family of the injured. 2. The application for claim must be submitted tot he Registrar of the Railways Claims Tribunal in 4 sets alongwith relevant documents, such as railway tickets. If the railway ticket is lost or misplaced, an application for claim can still be filed but the burden of proof will rest on the applicant. The applicant will be required to prove that a railway ticket is purchased and subsequently lost. 3. If a railway accident has resulted in death or grievous hurt, i. e. loss of limb, sight, hearing, permanent disfiguration of head or face, or fracture or dislocation of a bone or tooth, the same should be reported to the Station Master or railway servant. The accident should also be reported to the District Magistrate and Assistant Commissioner of Police / Superintendent of Police. An enquiry into the accident is to be conducted by the railway administration. Shaikh has lost a leg due to the accident, therefore the accident must be reported to the abovementioned authorities. 21 PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version http://www. fineprint. com 1098 Case No. 10 Ravi has been caught eve-teasing at a railway station in Mumbai. Ravi is 19 years old, and has not acted in such manner in the past. 1 . Ravi will be produced before the Metropolitan Magistrate within 24 hours of arrest. An advocate may be appointed to file a bail application on behalf of Ravi. CHILDLINE must make arrangements for surety; the surety must bring his/her ration card, voters identity card, or some other proof of identification. 2. This offence is a bailable offence. The police are empowered to release Ravi on personal bond or on bail, with or without surety. 3. If Ravi pleads guilty or is held guilty of having committed the offence, Ravi may be punished with imprisonment and fine. Ravi has been convicted for a first offence, therefore the Court has the discretion to levy a reduced fine without imprisonment. On payment of the fine Ravi will be immediately released. 4. Under the Railways Act 1989 if any person commits any nuisance or act of indecency or uses abusive or obscene language, he may be removed by any railway servant from the station, and may be punished with imprisonment and fine. A railway servant is any person in service of the railway. Case No. 11 The aunt of Anu called to inform that Anus mother has fixed Anus marriage with a 40 year old widower. Anu is 14 years of age. 1 . The marriage of a male above 21 years of age with a girl under 18 years of age amounts to child marriage. Child marriage is an offence under the Child Marriage Restraint Act 1929. 22 PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version http://www. fineprint. com 1098 2. The aunt of Anu should be advised to inform the mother of Anu that what
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
MITOCHONDRIAL DISEASES essays The mitochondrion is the energy manufacturer of the cell. It is equivalent to the engine of a car. These tiny biological machines combine the food we eat with oxygen to produce energy to keep our bodies going. The energy produced by the mitochondria is stored in the form of a chemical called Adenosine triphosphate (ATP). The mitochondria is involved in making of steroid hormones and DNA. Each cell in the body contains an average of five hundred, to two thousand mitochondria. When they are dysfunctional, the body can develop energy crisis in the muscles, tissues, brain and the heart. Examples of the mitochondria diseases include: Autoimmune hepatitis is a type of chronic active hepatitis. It is caused by cellular immune reactions. A variety of circulating autoantibodies can be found in the blood og patients with chronic active hepatitis. Other autoimmune diseases are thyroiditis diabetes mellitus and ulcerative colitis. Its complications are liver cell failure, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma, and it is a disease rare in children. The symptoms for autoimmune hepatitis include dark urine, loss of appetite, fatigue, abdominal distention, and generalized itching and also absence of menstruation. Liver biopsy shows chronic active hepatitis. Prevention of this disorder may not be possible. Awareness of risk factors may allow early detection and treatment. Prednisone or other corticoseriods help reduce the inflammation. Azathioprine or mercaptopurines are drugs usually used to treat immune disorders. Activity should be modified according to the symptoms. In addition, a well balanced diet promotes healing. Parkinsons disease occurs when certain nerve cells or neurons in an area of the brain become impaired. It belongs to a group of conditions ...
Sunday, March 1, 2020
BINOM.DIST in Excel Calculations with the binomial distribution formula can quite tedious and difficult. The reason for this is due to the number and types of terms in the formula. As with many calculations in probability, Excel can be utilized to expedite the process. Background on the Binomial Distribution The binomial distribution is a discrete probability distribution. In order to use this distribution, we need to make sure that the following conditions are met: There are a total of n independent trials. Each of these trials can be classified as a success or failure.The probability of success is a constant p. The probability that exactly k of our n trials are successes is given by the formula: C( n, k) pk (1 - p)n – k. In the above formula, the expression C( n, k) denotes the binomial coefficient. This is the number of ways to form a combination of k elements from a total of n. This coefficient involves the use of the factorial, and so C(n, k) n!/[k!(n – k)! ]. COMBIN Function The first function in Excel related to the binomial distribution is COMBIN. This function calculates the binomial coefficient C( n, k), also known as the number of combinations of k elements from a set of n. The two arguments for the function are the number n of trials and k the number of successes. Excel defines the function in terms of the following: COMBIN(number, number chosen) Thus if there are 10 trials and 3 successes, there are a total of C(10, 3) 10!/(7!3!) 120 ways for this to occur. Entering COMBIN(10,3) into a cell in a spreadsheet will return the value 120. BINOM.DIST Function The other function that is important to know about in Excel is BINOM.DIST. There are a total of four arguments for this function in the following order: Number_s is the number of successes. This is what we have been describing as k.Trials are the total number of trials or n.Probability_s is the probability of a success, which we have been denoting as p.Cumulative uses an input either of true or false to calculate a cumulative distribution. If this argument is false or 0, then the function returns the probability that we have exactly k successes. If the argument is true or 1, then the function returns the probability that we have k successes or less. For example, the probability that exactly three coins out of 10 coin flips are heads is given by BINOM.DIST(3, 10, .5, 0). The value returned here is 0.11788. The probability that from flipping 10 coins at most three are heads is given by BINOM.DIST(3, 10, .5, 1). Entering this into a cell will return the value 0.171875. This is where we can see the ease of using the BINOM.DIST function. If we did not use software, we would add together the probabilities that we have no heads, exactly one head, exactly two heads or exactly three heads. This would mean that we would need to calculate four different binomial probabilities and add these together. BINOMDIST Older versions of Excel use a slightly different function for calculations with the binomial distribution. Excel 2007 and earlier use the BINOMDIST function. Newer versions of Excel are backward compatible with this function and so BINOMDIST is an alternate way to calculate with these older versions.
Friday, February 14, 2020
Human Resource Strategy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Human Resource Strategy - Research Paper Example This customer focused company concentrates on its Human Resource Management very seriously. Wal-Mart pays much attention in recruiting its staff and training them. This research paper focuses on creating a global resource strategy of Wal-Mart in recruitment, interviewing, selection, hiring, and training of floor manager. In discussing the global recruitment strategies of Wal-Mart in recruiting floor manager can be mainly conducted in two ways which are internal and external recruitment. In internal recruitment process the employee of the company will refer suitable candidates for the position of floor manager. If that referred candidate is finally recruited by Wal-Mart then the employee will receive a reward for referring him. In its external recruitment strategy the company will select candidates from its different external sources. Wal-Mart can collect information about the successful floor managers working in its competitors companies and sent recruitment offers to them. Another recruitment strategy the firm can adopt is that the final shortlisted candidate will have to provide the names of some top talents in their last or current company with the necessary details. It will help Wal-Mart to get in touch will different talented candidates. The interview process of Wal-Mart must be very strong for selection the right candidate for the position of floor manager. The company’s global human resource strategies on its interview process can be based on different type of tests. The strategy of conducting Psychometric test will help to know the candidate’s ability, personality and aptitude. The firm can implement group activity test for assessing the candidate’s performance in a group work. Case study based interview helps to evaluate the knowledge of the applicant. The strategies of unstructured interview will inform Wal-Mart about the actual interest and ambitions of the interviewee by informal discussions (Moneim
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Analysis of the Film Dilwale Dulhaniya Le Jayenge Essay
Analysis of the Film Dilwale Dulhaniya Le Jayenge - Essay Example The mother who is well aware that the father is set in his views and is unlikely to change his mind encourages the young lovers to elope. This is the stage where the story deviates from the general trend because the young man is determined that he will only marry the girl he loves with the approval of both her parents, irrespective of the cost and irrespective of how long the process takes. He then embarks on a persistent campaign to win the father’s approval and at the end of a period of sustained suffering, he is able to finally achieve the desired objective. One of the important aspects to be considered in film analysis is the historical context within which the film story is set. For instance, as Hogan states, an essay that examines a film like Mildred Pierce should of necessity, analyse the changing sociological position of women which occurred during the post world war period, because the historical events of the war resulted in women being forced to participate more act ively in jobs that were formerly restricted to men only but were falling vacant because they were being drafted into the armed forces to fight the war (Corrigan,88). Similarly, DDLJ is a significant film when assessed using a historical perspective. This film can be compared to another Hindi film titled Bobby that was produced and marketed in the 70s. In this film, the spoilt young son of a rich man falls in love with a poor girl belonging to a different religion. i.e., Christianity. The young lovers solve the problems arising from the rich-poor chasm existing in Indian society by eloping. This film reflects the prevailing mood in Indian society during that period when a love marriage was viewed as a near impossibility since arranged marriages were the norm and viewed as the ideal condition for marriage and one which was also socially acceptable.
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