Thursday, October 31, 2019
Predatory Lending Practices Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Predatory Lending Practices - Essay Example When lenders began offering loans to deprived borrowers with low or bad credit standing, sub-prime loans were priced higher to compensate for the risk. Regardless of the a client's personal credit history, these finance companies offer the chance and allowance of refinancing or new mortgage that overwhelms he borrower with high fees and expensive often unhelpful terms. Minority borrowers composed of hard working people and low-wealth are the usual of consumers availing this type of loan to obtain financing. Availability of fair credit terms should be a major priority for responsible lenders as people no matter what the noted deficiencies are members of a civilized society with moral rights to uphold regardless of condition of credit orientation. However, seemingly cognizant of the needs of this minority sector, financing institutions have blossomed giving effect to what has been observed as a tragic loophole in Federal reserves that charges people with exorbitant interests and penalt ies. When the growth in equity lending has created risk management practices in response to financial institutions with equity lending programs, financial institutions' credit risk management practices for home equity lending have not kept pace with the product's rapid growth and easing of underwriting standards. We have seen numerous fore-closures on home properties in the past years that would eventually reflect in an economic meltdown. Further studies revealed predatory practices of lending institutions as the culprit in this scenario that charged exorbitant and often unnecessary fees and interests into the gross amounts that may no longer be viable for a medium to low wage earning homeowner. How can management eliminate the negative symptoms How can management fully capitalize on an opportunity Risk Management standards would create a favorable scenario over the increased lending with favorable tax treatments that may allow home equity loans and lines attractive to its consumers that offers a modest repayment schemes and relaxed structures that was currently devoid in its system. Institutions should capitalize on the rise on home values coupled with lower interest rates that make a product more attractive yet attainable and helpful to its user. The identification of certain risk factors in the system of practices in a financial lending institutions helps to identify the culprits that serves to practice certain features that offer an "interest-only" amortization that requires no principal amount applied. Documentation or its absence provides no room for evaluative measures and appraisals within the healthy structure. Risk management systems call for lending measures conducted in a safe and sound manner pursued with adequate allowances for loan losses and appropriate capital levels without negating sound practices in the accepted lending policies. Management principles actively assess the changes in the consumer's ability to pay and the potential decline of a home value and entertain this scenario without generating allowances that charge exorbitant fees disabling the capacity of the borrower from paying his dues and eventually leading to the
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Concept Of Morality Essay Example for Free
Concept Of Morality Essay Examples a. Moral protect the weak, stand up for the downtrodden, love everyone as much as you can and more every day, jump on any and all opportunities to save an innocent life, do your best to live up to your potential for the betterment of the world. Doing what is right because it is right, feeding a starving child, giving your coat to a homeless person, taking foster children and caring for them well, standing for what you know is right. 2. Amoral does not concern with any moral standard. Examples a. Amoral chew gum, play baseball, speak French, swim in the ocean, jump in a puddle, not caring if something is right or wrong. Driving, shooting a gun, internet, reading, watching TV 3. Immoral does not act in conformity with accepted principles. Examples a. Immoral murder for profit, treat people as tools for your advancement in business, betray your word, make decisions based on vengeance, initiate non-consensual sex, cheating on the stock market, lying maliciously, stealing, drag racing in the community at 11pm or early morning, murder, incest, doing anothers homework Different definitions of Morality a. Morality is a response to God’s incredible, freely given love and His gift of salvation offered to us through our Lord Jesus. b. Morality is a science, concerned about what ought to be , judging right from wrong in the light of revelation, one’s act of responsibility, and responding to all personal invitation of Jesus. c. Morality is searching for the norms (standards) of free human conduct in the light of revelation. d. Morality is how humans relate to or treat one another to promote mutual welfare, growth and meaning in striving for good over bad and right over wrong. e. Morality is a system or principles by which we can determine if our conduct is right or wrong, these moral ways of acting are found through our good sense. B. DIFFERENT CONCEPTS OF MAN Who is man? Karl Marx: Man is controlled by the economic organization of society. Charles Darwin: Life evolves from simple to complex form through an evolutionary process. Man struggled for existence. B. F. Skinner: All human actions are actually the result of stimuli from our environment and no person can act out of his own will. Freedom may only appear to be so because the external forces which control our action are not noticeable. Signum Freud: Man is controlled by instinct. We are not creature of reason but of instinct, particularly sexual instinct and the instinct of self-preservation. Martin Heidegger: man is the past, the present and the future. Time is an important element in the life of man. Christians: Christians are those who decide their own course of life because they know that â€Å"not to decide is to decide. †The Christians relate positively towards others because they have accepted in faith the Word of God. Passages: The dignity of the human person is rooted in his creation in the image and likeness of God; it is fulfilled in his vocation to divine beatitude. By his reason, man recognizes the voice of God which urges him to do what is good and avoid what is evil. Everyone is obliged to follow the law, which makes itself heard in conscience and is fulfilled in the love of God and neighbor. Living a moral life bears witness to the dignity of the person. -from the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Man though made of body and soul, is a unity. Through his bodily condition, he sums up in himself the elements of the material world. Through Jesus, man is brought to the highest perfection and can raise his voice in praise freely given to the Creator. Man is obliged to regard his body as good and to hold it in honor since God has created it and will raise it up on the last day. -from the Vatican II, Church in the Modern World.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Examining Deforestation Of The Amazon Rainforest Environmental Sciences Essay
Examining Deforestation Of The Amazon Rainforest Environmental Sciences Essay The amazon Rainforest is one of the richest areas on Earth biodiversity wise and possesses many endemics species of fauna and flora. The Amazon also plays an human population has grown, and demands in soybeans, cattle and wood as increased over time, the Amazon rainforest has been selected for deforestation. Recent concerns have arisen over the last decades emphasizing the problems deforestation causes especially biologically. This problem has been further underlined as concerns over global climate change have arisen. The Amazon forest is the greatest tropical forest in size as it covers an area over seven million square kilometres and is found in ten countries of South America. Motives of deforestation, rates, history Most of the Amazon Basin ( >70%) is found in Brazil ; therefore most of our study will focus on the Brazilian Amazon. Starting in the late 1950s, for the purpose of developing the western and northern parts of Brazil many new roads were constructed which constituted a direct access to the Amazon tropical forest. The construction of these routes along with other incentives ( such as cattle ranching , hydro electric project, timber extraction) was aimed at expanding development and integrating the whole territory into the countrys economy. The program was successful as people moved along these large highways; for example 2 million people moved along the Belem-Brasilia in the first 20 years of its construction. The settlement along the major highways and within the Amazon forest was highly unorganized which led to long term unnoticed deforestation. Overtime the rates of deforestation have increased from the 1970s to the 2003-2004 and since then have decreased. The peak in 2002-2004 was the highest rate of forest clearing for a three year period: 52 670 km ² were cleared. The 2008-2009 area cleared totalizes for 7008 km ². The literature seems to agree on the motives for deforestation although the importance of small farmers in the process is debated . ( K.R Birby , P. Fearnside). The motives for deforestation are multiple: contrarily to common belief, the biggest reason behind clearing in cattle ranching secondly, is small farmer exploitation then, logging, and recently soybean and palm oil plantations have led to deforestation. The reason behind this hierarchy and cattle ranching as being the number one reason behind forest clearing is due to multiple state incentives. These incentives made cattle ranching one of the few profitable product to rise in the Amazon. Under the Brazilian law, clearing the land in order to install pasture is characterised as effective. (K.R Kirby). Cattle ranching is one of the most popular use of land in the Amazon as it is not a labour intensive job , by products can be used ( such as milk) , and it is produces offspring. Compared to crops, the main advantage of cattle ra nching is that cattle ranching are independent of weather conditions. Small farmers also play an important role in the clearing of the land as they apply slash and burn method in order to create fertile land to grow their crops on. As farmers need for more land, they continuously increase their property. K.R Kirby has calculated that on average a small farmer clears 1 ha of forest per year. Furthermore, tropical soils are not fertile and fail at the long term production of crops, thus after 2-3 years the land is unusable and new land has to be slashed and burned. Today as agricultural financing has been more readily available in the Amazon compared to other regions in Brazil, soybeans farmers are pushing to the North. As the price for soybean has increased, it has become one of the most profitable crops to plant in the Amazon. A large part of the soybean production is used for export (as foreign currency) therefore greatly encouraged by the state which even plans on building new roads and infrastructure in order to expand the production. Although not broadly mentioned in the literature, it is important to also underline the logging activities undergoing in the Amazon. JA Foley et al mention that the logging has recently been recognized as one major source of land change in the Amazon. Although selective logging is comparatively not as ecologically destructive as cattle grazing or pasture, it has been shown that logging destroyed the same amount of forest as the area cleared for other activities. Indeed, selective logging leaves behind a fraction of the natural forest and allows some natural regeneration; not completely destroying the ecosystem. Biodiversity effects: The clearing of thousands of km ² of land is not at any cost. The Amazon is one the worlds richest zone in terms of biodiversity and number of endemic species. Being one of the largest forests in the world the tropical Amazon forest constitutes an important carbon sink for the integrity of the planet. Scientists have become aware of the importance of conserving the forest because of the numerous ecosystem services it provides. It is difficult to understand and quantify the ecosystem services provided by an ecosystem. As Fearnside explains, it is complicated to put a value on an ecosystem service. An obvious way of calculating the value of the ecosystem is using the profit of the good produced in the given area. This method does not take into account the future damage that could occur due to the abuse of the ecosystem. Indeed we taking the example of forest clearing , we can use the value of the good which will be produced on the area cleared but on a large scale that value does not take into account the habitat destruction of species. Often times we put a price on ecosystem services in order to emphasize the urgency of taking conservation actions, putting fines on illegal land used. Based on the literature there are many ecosystem services provided by the Amazon rainforest. Namely the most important ecosystem services are carbon sequestering, water flow of the Amazon River, air circulation patterns, the spread of water borne disease , fires , invasion by exotic species and most importantly , and biodiversity loss. The clearing of Amazon might influence the hydrological regime of the area because the forest regulates the quantity of water flowing into the river as well as the nutrient content. The quantity of water increases greatly overall because there is no interception by plants leading to much more surface runoff and less percolation in the soil. Indeed it has been observed in the Tocantins river basin, the changes during the 30 years period (1960-1990) in land cover have led to an approximate 25% increase in the river discharge during the same period although there were no changes in the precipitation regime. Over the long term, scientists are worried that the evaporation budget will change so much as to change global patterns of air circulation. Vector-borne diseases increase due to the loss of vegetation and due to an increase in the number of mosquitoes (which are common vectors of diseases). Forested areas allow for more control of the disease though population control of infected animals, their hosts and intermediate disease vector. In South America, the most important disease transmitted by mosquitoes is malaria. A study in Peru has shown that Anopheles darling mosquito species are more susceptible to biting as the land cover decreases. The study found that when the area is deforestated by more than 20%, mosquitoes have a tendency to bit more than in forested areas. The reason for this increase is due to the preference of mosquitoes to breed in areas with shrubs or grasslands. ( A.M. Vittor) One of the most striking effects on deforestation is the loss of biodiversity. No papers truly estimated the loss of biodiversity due to deforestation. But based on the literature we can estimate the number of species potentially targeted by deforestation. The Brazilian Amazon is classified as one of the five megadiversity countries by the WWF (World Wild Fund) (P.Fearnside). Brazil has over 50 000 angiosperm plant species, over 400 species of mammals, over 1500 species of birds, over 500 species of amphibians, over 400 species of butterfly and over 70 species of reptiles. Deforestation can lead to changes in biodiversitys ecological niches, habitat fragmentation, or even invasion of exotic species. A major concern has arisen amongst ecologists due to the threat of deforestation on biodiversity hotspots. Indeed it has been observed in some cases that biodiversity hotpsots overlap the deforestation hotpsots. These latter are areas where deforestation occurs suddenly, locally and greatly pushed by demographic factors. The danger for the ecosystems when these two hotspots overlap is the extensive loss of habitat for the fauna and flora. Indeed, deforestation hotspots lead to much habitat fragmentation as many harvesters carry on their activity without much knowledge on the ecosystem and the implications of deforesting (Etter et al 2006). Moreover, it has been proven that a threshold exists for a species to survive. Species need enough area in order to reproduce and forage without it a population cannot sustain and is determined to extinguish. Much of the deforestation trends are not managed and very spontaneous, leading to patches of deforested land and often times the minimum thre shold is surpassed threatening the survival of many generations. As underlined in Etter et al., no significant studies have been consolidated in order to better understand the overlapping of deforestation and biodiversity hotspots; suggesting more data to be collected. Indeed without data there cannot be any consensus on the conversation policies to protect the Amazons ecosystem. Another paper also suggests the idea that better inventories should be complied in order to understand the forests composition and to better manage the area based on the species autoecology. Furthermore the paper underlines the importance of thorough and precise data entries with identical quantification measurements. These factors are all very important in the inventory process in order to build credible dataset on which policy makers can rely upon (Biscaia de Lacerda 2010). Deforestation in the context of Global Climate Change A major concern of the 21st century is the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the consequences on the worlds biomes. The role of the Amazon forest in the global carbon cycle is storage of organic carbon in the soil or in plants. The process through which plants take in CO2 is photosynthesis storing it afterwards in the biomass under the form of leaves, branches, roots, flowers and other structural tree components. The destruction of the Amazon makes it an emitter of carbon rather than a sink. Indeed because of land cover changes, carbon is no longer stored. Per se, carbon is not emitted from the forest rather carbon is not taken up by the trees anymore resulting in a net surplus of CO2 levels in the atmosphere. Furthermore the necessary machinery used for deforestation as well as the by-products of wood and the processing of trees in factories also contribute to increased levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Some studies have tried to understand the changes which would occur if CO2 levels increased and deforestated areas kept increasing. The outcome results in many effects linked to changes in surface albedo, leaf area index, and surface roughness and texture (Compounding). In the study, the CO2 levels were doubled, increasing the CO2 concentration to 660 ppm. The IPCCs projection on CO2 levels project that 660 ppm will be reached by the end of the century under the least severe scenario: A1B which predicts: A future world of very rapid economic growth, low population growth and rapid introduction of new and more efficient technology. Major underlying themes are economic and cultural convergence and capacity building, with a substantial reduction in regional differences in per capita income. In this world, people pursue personal wealth rather than environmental quality. ( IPCC The sole effect of doubling CO2 concentration in the atmosphere results in a 2.6 T °C increase in temperature, increase in precipitation by 9.0 mm per month , and increase in -the net longwave radiation at the landsurface by 4.5 W m - ² subsequently increasing the surface evapotranspiration. There is not a great difference for all the factors when studying the present deforestation climate with the future warmed climate combined with deforestation, directly pointing to the fact that deforestation is the main source of deregulation in the climate (Figure 2). Indeed most changes due to increased CO2 levels are felt in the mid-high latitudes. Figure 2( Zhang et al.)
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Physics of Soccer :: physics sport sports soccer football
Rolling Motion and Friction Suppose you kick a soccer ball without giving it any spin. Your foot, therefore, gives the ball an initial speed (v) and an initial angular speed of 0. Since grass is not frictionless, the ball initially slides across the field, then starts to rotate and, eventually, starts rolling without slipping. A soccer ball rolls without slipping when its center-of-mass speed equals its angular speed (around its center of mass). OK, now suppose you want to kick the ball so that it immediately starts rolling without slipping. How? You would give the ball "topspin" by striking the ball a distance (s) above an imaginary horizontal line that passes through the ball's center. But where? ANSWER: s=0.4R. You would strike the ball a little less than half the radius of the ball above its center line. When two objects slide across one another, they exert a frictional force against each other. These forces are always tangent to the surfaces. A soccer ball and its interaction with the field is an example of this. The frictional force is opposite the direction that the ball is traveling. Physics gives us the following equation: f=mN for objects that slide against one another; where the frictional force (f) is equal to the upward "normal force" that the surface exerts on the ball (N) multiplied by the coefficient of friction (m). The coefficient of friction is not a constant, but will vary with the ball and surface type. The more friction there is between the ball and the field, the slower the ball will move after a bounce. Balls that skid, on the other hand, do not generate as much friction and subsequently do not slow down as much. So, the coefficient of friction tells us how fast (or slow) a ball will travel: The higher the coefficient, the slower the ball. A device similar to the Stimpmeter ®, which is used to measure the "speed" of a golf green, could measure a soccer field's coefficient of friction by rolling a small ball on grass and measuring the distance it travels before stopping. Projectile Motion When projectile motion is treated in basic physics courses, the influence of air resistance is often neglected in the calculations and the trajectory of a projectile becomes a parabola where the horizontal velocity component is contant and the vertical component is subject to gravity. However, for someone watching a game of soccer, it is clear that the motion of a soccer ball is governed not only by gravity, but also by air resistance.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Empowering Users of Health and Social care Services Essay
1.1.Influence of Organizational Policies and Practices by Current Legislation and Sector Skills Standards for Promoting and Maximizing the Rights of Users of Health and Social Care service3 1.2. Factors that May Affect the Achievement of promoting and maximizing the rights of users of health and social care service4 1.3 How communication between care workers and the individuals contribute to promoting and maximizing the rights of the users of health and social care service5 2.1. Factors that may contribute to Loss of Independence, non-participation and Social Exclusions for Vulnerable people6 2.2. Analyzing of organizational systems & processes which are managed to promote participation and independence of users of social and health care service6 2.3. Tension that Arise When Balancing the Rights of the Individual to independence and Choice against the Care provider’s Duty to Protect7 3.1. Use of Case Study 2 from a Health or Social care setting to identify the extent to which the individuals are at Risk of8 3.2. Effectiveness of Policies, Procedures and Managerial Approach within a Health and Social care setting for Promoting the Management of Risk8 4.1. Review of current Legislation, Codes of Practices that apply to the handling of medication8 4.2. Evaluation the Effectiveness of policies and Procedures within a Health and Social Care Setting for administering medication9 Introduction Empowerment has become one of the inseparable parts of the health and social care service. Zimmerman (1984) stated Empowerment as some of the multidimensional process that helps people gain control over their own lives. In order to practice and implementation empowerment, health and social care service personnel are required to work closely with the different service users of health and social care service. Different law and knowledge of the health and service can help the care staffs in empowering the users of the service. For that reason the researcher will discuss about the different standards than can protect the rights of the users, factors that can influence these rights, impact of good communication between the care staffs and the users. In addition it will show a clear understanding about loss of independence and vulnerability, factors that can manage different vulnerability of the service users, different tensions in the health and social care, managerial approach which a re effective in health and social care service as well as different medication acts of UK which are practiced at present. 1.1. Influence of Organizational Policies and Practices by Current Legislation and Sector Skills Standards for Promoting and Maximizing the Rights of Users of Health and Social Care service Different service users are currently going in order to take different service provided by the personnel or care staffs of the health and social care service. For that reason the care staffs should provide better service for the physical and mental development of the different vulnerable users.They should be very careful to the users especially to the adults and the children aswell as to the disable people. Recently some changes have been made on Policies and Practices by Current Legislation and Sector Skills Standards which are very much useful for the users of the service. They have different influence on the users of the health and social care service for Promoting and maximizing their rights which are as follows: Under this amendment, Local Authorities (Las), Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG s), The National Health Service Commissioning Board (NHS CB) and The Commissioners of health services have some rights. Now The will be able to make some direct donation or sponsorship for the personal health budget under different policies which will create a good impact on the users. If any sudden death to any child occurs then it must be informed to the NHS CB and to the CCG,It is a good sign. According to the mental capacity act 2005, there are different scopes of developing the physical and mental condition of the users by the care personnel. This amendment will give some monetary support to the poor and the needy people for treatment. Under this amendment NHS will practice some rights to give effective health and social care information for the betterment of different users. Different social and health care programs, strategy and act will be formed for ensuring better service to the different service users. Under this amendment there will be scope of protecting different confidential information of the service users. According to Welfare food amendment regulations 2005, the CCCGs, NHS CB have different rights to provide some medicines to the service users and they will provide effective prescriptions to different users if needed. If any patient goes UK for treatment of different viral diseases from another country then no extra payment will be taken from him This amendment will ensure the rights of the children and the adults. Under this amendment, better service will be ensured to the users and their rights will be protected successfully. Theseamendments,Policies and Practices by Current Legislation and Sector Skills Standards will be very useful mode for Promoting and maximizing the rights of users of health and social care service. These are very user friendly amendments, policies and procedure 1.2. Factors that May Affect the Achievement of promoting and maximizing the rights of users of health and social care service New amendment has been made to the policies and Practices by Current Legislation and Sector Skills Standards,The Law Commission (2014) claimed that, different factors can affect the Achievement of promoting and maximizing the rights of users of health and social care service which are as fol lows: The National Health Service (Charges to overseas visitors) regulations 2011: According to this regulation, if any individual goes UK for treatment of any viral diseases he or she will not need to pay extra money. It can motivate the overseas patients to do treatment in UK. The residential family centers regulations 2002: Under this regulation if any children die in a residential area then certainly NHS CB and CCG will be informed about it. It will also protect the rights of the children and ensure better health. The care quality commission (Registration) Regulations 2009: Under this regulation it is obligatory to ensure the better care to the service user and it is necessary to inform about the death of a user to the quality commission. Crime and disorder regulations (2007): It will give protection to the different service users if any danger or vulnerability occurs to them. The student support Regulations 2011: This regulation will provide some monetary help and mental support to the students so that they can easily continue their study. Healthy start schemes and welfare foods amendment regulations 2005: This regulation will ensure better health to the service users. It will also provide vitamin supplements along with different medicines free of cost. The national health care service (direct payments) regulations 2010: Under this regulation it will be possible to donate or sponsor financial help to the service users which will promote and maximize the rights of the users of health and social care service. Protection of the confidential information act (2006): It will protect the private information of the service users. These factors will provide a deep impact on the achievement of promoting and maximizing the rights of users of health and social care service. 1.3 How communication between care workers and the individuals contribute to promoting and maximizing the rights of the users of health and social care service Rosenbaum and Rotor(2013), explained different types of communication between care workers and the individuals are required to promote and maximize the rights of the users of health and social care service which are as follows: Two way dialogue: The care staffs should communicate with the users to know different information, health condition and mental capacity of the users. It can build an interpersonal communication which is necessary for getting the useful information about different rights of the users. Partnership between provider and client: The care staffs should treat the users in a way so that they think the staffs as their best partner in case of treatment. Atmosphere of caring: There should be an effective atmosphere of caring in the social and health care service. This will help the users to express different information which are necessary for the protection of their different rights. Verbal communication: It includes spoken or written words for expressing ideas and thoughts. It can establish a good relationship between the care staffs and the individuals>If the users express their different ideas then it will be very effective for the care staffs to be sincere about the different rights of the users. Non-verbal communication: Different non-verbal communication such as messaging, descriptive phrases can also be used for communicating with the service users. It will develop the understanding of the users which will be easy for the care staffs to protect different rights of t he users. Demonstrations of interest: Demonstration of interest can also be very effective way in case of building a sound relationship with the users. Effective demonstrations can help understand different needs, wants and habit of the users which can contribute to promote and maximize the rights of the users of health and social care service. 2.1. Factors that may contribute to Loss of Independence, non-participation and Social Exclusions for Vulnerable people Different people face different types of vulnerabilities which have different impact on them. Different vulnerabilities can cause loss of Independence, non -participation and Social exclusions. These should be removed by the care staff of the health and social care service.Smith (2000) claimed some factors that may contribute to loss of independence, non-participation and Social exclusions for vulnerable people are as follows: Lack of opportunities to work: There are not sufficient opportunities of work for different people in the society especially for the adult people. They may think this as a negative factor. Little working opportunities can cause loss of independence, non -participation and social exclusions. Fear: There are many people in the society who feel fear for a little cause in many things. They cannot cope up with the different vulnerability which can occur to them. They often wants friendly environment. Too much Fear for many things can cause non -participation and social exclusions. Lack of education and skills: All persons have no same level of education and skills for doing something. For that reason, they may feel them as incapable in case of any participation that accelerates social exclusions. Childhood deprivation: Many people are deprived of many things from their childhood. This deprivation can contribute too many exclusions and non-participation. Disrupted families: The persons who are disrupted from their families can develop a strong vulnerability among them. They feel ashamed in case of participating in a social matter that can cause loss of independence to them. Inequalities in health: All people are not capable of maintaining same level of health and mental conditions. These factors can promote their loss of independence and non-participation. 2.2. Analyzing of organizational systems & processes which are managed to promote participation and independence of users of social and health care service Carr (2004), Stated differentorganizational systems & processes which are managed to promote participation and independence of users of social and health care service which are as follows: Message for policy and practice: The care personnel can provide the useful information of health and social care service, different rights of the users, effectiveness of the treatment etc., so that people can learn more about the health and social care service which will promote participation and independence of users of social and health care service. Extent of Current knowledge: The laws, rights and policies changes over time. For that reason the staffs should provide updated information regarding health and social care service to accelerate the participation in these sectors. Training: Effective training programs and seminars should be arr anged frequently in order to promote participation. Different training can develop the skills and mental abilities of the users which can lead to a huge participation. Organizational commitment and responsiveness: Organizational commitment and responsiveness regarding the assurance of better services and environment should be increased by the care staffs. Strong commitment of good service can increase participation and engagement. Minimization of costs: There should be strong commitment of minimizing of costs in case of the service of health and social care service. If the service users can get the opportunities of low cost in the organization then their participation will automatically increase. Removing Personal barriers: Personal barriers can cause lack of participation in an organization. Different personal barriers can be removed by two way communication and increasing different support. Increasing support and network: If the users can get effective support from the care staffs then there overall participation will increase. Support and care are very much needed to the isolated people to promote participation and independence of users of socia l and health care service 2.3. Tension that Arise When Balancing the Rights of the Individual to independence and Choice against the Care provider’s Duty to Protect Different types of tensions may arise in case of balancing the Rights of the Individual to independence and Choice against the care provider’s duty to protect. These tensions need to be removed by health care staffs. Carr, (2010) Explained that these tensions include different rights of the users, their private information and many other things which are as follows: In health and social care service, there are different types of rights and duties of the service users that should be understood by the care staffs and protect them sincerely. If they fail to protect these then different conflicts may occur. The users of the health and social care service have different realities that express their overall behavioral dispositions. If these are not understood correctly then tensions will occur. In case of disclosing any private information of the users the care staff should be very strategic so that it can do no harm to the users. If asking any types of confidential information can create any conflict then the staffs should avoid it because unauthorized person will get benefit. Rights of the adult person as well as the children should consider very sincerely. If there is any scope that the care personnel are facing problem in case of protecting the rights and duties of the children and the adult people then severe conflict and tensions will occur. 3.1. Use of Case Study 2 from a Health or Social care setting to identify the extent to which the individuals are at Risk of By using case study 2 it is possible to identify different extent to which the individuals are at risk of. These extents are as follows: As Mr. H is a patient of a hyperactivity disorder and regularly meets a psychologist. The psychologist has some responsibilities toward him. Mr. H should express different private information to him that should be protected by him otherwise any third party will get benefit. As a nurse is taking care of him, the nurse should be very careful and sincere to Mr. H. The nurse should co-operate with him successfully otherwise Mr. H will feel lonely and feel social exclusion. The care staffs should ensure the choice of Mr. H to visit to local market, cooking etc. otherwise his mental condition will not improve. As Mr. H has little bit aggressiveness to many people, the care staffs should improve this condition otherwise Mr. H will develop the sense of non- participation and social exclusions. 3.2. Effectiveness of Policies, Procedures and Managerial Approach within a Health and Social care setting for Promoting the Management of Risk Mayberry and Nice wander (2006) claimed some effectiveness of policies, procedures and managerial approach within a health and social care setting for promoting the management of risk which are as follows: Safety: If the safety can be ensured tothe health and social care service users then users will take it as a safe approach which can promote the management of risk. Timeliness: It services can be ensured timely then it will be very attractive way of managing the risk. Efficiency: Success of the health and social care service mostly depends on the efficiency and the effectiveness of the service. It can promote the management of risk and ensures efficiency. Proper adherence to different regulations: Ensuring the duties and protecting the rights of the users by effectively following different regulations can be very effective way of promoti ng the management of risk. 4.1. Review of current Legislation, Codes of Practices that apply to the handling of medication Care Quality Commission (2014) explained about current Legislation, Codes of Practices that apply to the handling of medication in UK which are as follows: The medicines for human use (marketing) regulations 1994: According to these regulations, no one can sell medicine until he gets authorization from UK licensing authority. The medicines (Homeopathic) regulations: It ensures the effective use of the homeopathic drugs. The veterinary Drugs order 1984: According to this law, selling of medicines can be occurred if a recognized physician supervises veterinary drugs. The Pharmacy regulations 2008: These regulations state that some energetic pharmacists are very useful for pharmacy business of it focuses on creating some intelligent pharmacists. The prescriptions order 1997: This regulations claim that wholesalers or retailers can sell or market medicines if they take recognition from a recognized practitioner. 4.2. Evaluation the Effectiveness of policies and Procedures within a Health and Social Care Setting for administering medication The effectiveness of policies and procedures within a health and social care for administering medication can be evaluated by following ways: Under these policies and Procedures, no unauthorized person will be able to sell medicines until he gets authorization. It will protect drug abuse. Because of these regulations, people who feel comfort in homeopathic medicines will be encouraged to get them and these medicines will be available. These regulations will create some intelligent pharmacists so there will be specialization in pharmaceutical sector. These regulations will protect illegal trafficking of medicines. Under these regulations, people will learn to use prescribed medicine by recognized physicians. It will protect the use of harmful medicines and low quality drugs. Conclusions Empowerment in health and social care service has found a new form. Now the personnel in health and social service are very much careful about the empowerment of the users of the health and social care. This paper successfully described about different policies and regulations used in health and social care service,different factors that can maximize the rights of the users, different vulnerabilities and management of health and social care risks. Besides it gave a clear view about total empowerment process and critically analyzed the effectiveness of the empowerment by risk management and medication regulations of UK. References Bookman, A. and Morgan, S., (1984), Women and the politics of empowerment, Philadelphia: Temple University Press Care Quality Commission (2014), Legislation,, [available at], [accessed at May 28, 2014] Carr, S., (2004), Has Service User Participation Made a Difference to Social Care Services? , UK: Social Care Institute for Excellence Carr, S., (2010), Enabling Risk, ensuring safety: Self-directed support and personal budgets, UK: Social Care Institute for Excellence Mayberry, R. M and Nice wander, D. A., (2006), Improving quality and reducing inequities: a challenge in achieving best care,, [available at], [accessed at May 28, 2014] Rosenbaum, J and Rotor, D., (2013), Improving Interpersonal Communication between Health Care Providers and Clients, USA: Quality Assurance Project Smith, J. 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Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Reservoir Dgs essays
Reservoir Dgs essays My fellow classmates and I recently watched the movie Reservoir Dogs. I personally thought the movie was a great realistic portrayal of gangster life. In the movie all of the men involved in the robbery die. Most of the men get shot trying to escape from the police, while others piss off the crime boss and then the crime boss shoots them. The violence in this movie is just the portrayal of gangster life. I do not think that graphic violence compensates for anything. Violence, profanity and nudity are all part of the entertainment business. If every film or movie that you watched was like Mr. Rogers neighborhood, would you really be interested? The truth is, the more profanity and nudity there is in a movie the more people want to see it. Sometimes you need a fuck or a shit to clearly get your point across. Yet, in certain movies there is a thin line between getting your point across and unnecessary cursing. If every other word was fuck or shit, there is no need for it. If parents do not want their children to watch such graphic movies and television, they should pay careful attention to what they let their child watch. On certain televisions there is something called parental controls they are designed to cut out violence and graphic material. There is something that we have to realize. People do get shot and die in the streets, parents do swear at their children and some people like to show off there bodies. In the movie Reservoir Dogs there is a decent amount of cursing, but also it is about thieves breaking into a diamond store. If the writer of the movie had put darn instead of damn or crap instead of shit it would have sounded fake and made up. The movie would not be realistic enough without the ...
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